HOW Spiritual Fulfillment,
The Physical Dimension
The Nordic Model
My Favorite Places to Survive
Hell on Earth!
For many reasons, I believe that the world may be cascading into economic, then environmental abyss, beginning soon, with economic mayhem hitting by 2025-2030, then getting much worse by the thirties, and possibly, hell on earth by the second half of this century. Here is a Youtube based presentation, using primarily documentaries, presentations, conferences, papers and books to help in your learning experience. I hope that this approach of providing documentaries, and links to presentations, articles and books will facilitate your learning experience.
It should become quickly obvious, that unlike most other authors seeking to present these risks and possible solutions, with an easing sense of "hope," my approach is more like a "cold slap in the face" for the people, a "belt across the but" for the reasonably good spiritual and political leaders not standing against the misguided leaders.
I will continue to update this with new documentaries, books, and articles as I find them, and new insights and ideas as I have them, so for those interested, check back. If these arguments are even close to accurate, I trust that I will have an ongoing plethora of new information. Most of the new information I will add to an additional page, titled with the year, "2016 New," once I have finished this web site. I will then add this new information to the body of the pages when I put it on this site, so that new readers are getting the latest additions, but I will also have the new additions on this future page as well by the date added, to facilitate following updates, for those interested. So if you read this in February 2017, you only need to go to the 2017 New page, and read additions since February 2017, say in April 2017, when you visit again. If you then come back in July of 2017, you then can refer to new information since you last visited this site, after April 2017, for instance.
One of my heros is Guy McPherson, who also believes the end of the species is not far off, but he is more optimistic, as he thinks it will be sooner than I do. As my wife jokes, is there anyone in his audience, she asks? I noted that I will make our Mom watch my presentation and read my work, at least. Oh no you wont, she exclaims! I argue, this is one of the "critical factors," people just want to focus on the positive! Easy to understand why, but if you are on Planet Titanic, you may want to stop focusing on the positive and partying long enough to steer the boat away from all of the "ice bergs" before it is too late!
In this time period, it is literally the ice bergs melting that are the species level extinction risk, how ironic! As she notes, what can we do about it. Well here is my attempt to get the "Captains," the EMM&MS, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex/Wall Street) Fascists, to steer the boat away from the ice bergs NOW, even if it is already too late to stop the ice bergs from melting!
Even if it is already to late to stop THE END, the primary objectives of this site are to help people find their True Spirit In The Logical God of Love, find their way home to Oneness with The One, live out their remaining years on this earth, as the species goes extinct, with as much dignity, love and peace in God's Love, as they can. Suffering as little as possible, prior to the extinction of all species, in an ending that only Hell can compare with. Although I expect that few may ever read this work, which I have spent my life working on, it is for you My Lord, My Saviour, the Logical God of Love! and, both lead to this site. For those that prefer to think of the positive, you may want to remember, remember, only one "N!"
"The Critical Tipping Point," where the world could have transitioned from a fossil fuel economy, to a solar and wind driven economy, I argue, was stolen from us at the turn of the century, along with so much more, and was proof that it is the financial interests of the oil and war lords that will insure the death of all species. The Billionaires behind the Evil Wrong, featured in the book "Dark Money," primarily the Koch Brothers and the Kochtapus, the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts (EMM&MS for short), and the fossil fuel companies globally, including OPEC, what I also refer to as the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists (MIC = Military Industrial Complex, WS=Wall Street), masquerading as Libertarians, have been systematically, continuously and with billions of dollars, defrauding the world on the species level extinction risk of their product, fossil fuels, if these arguments are correct, and "Dark Money" is accurate, insuring the death of all species.
"The Climate Change Tipping Point," we are crossing now, as atmospheric carbon just hit 409 ppm, it was at 380-450 ppm in the Pliocene period. Both atmospheric carbon levels, and especially global mean temperatures, have significant lag-times from the release of carbon and methane to when they affect average global carbon levels, and more critically, global mean temperatures, primarily due to the very rapid rise of the atmospheric burden of carbon, compared to historical norms, like the Pliocene period. Both of these lag-time events, already have insured, I argue, that the world will reach the higher end of the carbon level during the Pliocene period of 450 ppm, and a 4C plus global mean temperature rise, due to the carbon and methane that has already been released into the atmosphere. I argue, it is "baked into the cake" already!
Recent research has shown that during the Pliocene period, similar to today in carbon levels, global mean temperatures rose by 3-4C, melting most of Antarctica, and as a result, sea levels rose by up to 60 feet. Carbon levels and temperatures rose over thousands of years to get to this level during the Pliocene period, and hence, followed each other quite closely. Carbon levels have skyrocketed over the past 150 years, since the industrial revolution, so I argue that temperatures will take awhile to catch up, but will ultimately do so much more rapidly, once they start escalating. We now know that even a 2C rise may cause super storms that move thousand ton boulders. Even half this sea level rise, combined with super storms, may implode and explode many ocean based nuclear reactors. This may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define in this work.
By "baked into the cake," I am referring to the fact that even if the world would TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, it would increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon, just to make the transition. This will result, I argue, by 2050-2075 in 500 ppm of carbon or more, well beyond the Pliocene period. This may increase global sea levels by more than 60 feet, and combined with super storms, may well result in the extinction of most of the species. This will be especially true, if all, or all most all, ocean based and land based, nuclear reactors are not encased in super structures, preventing their implosion and explosion, when sea levels rise significantly, combined with super storms, and global societies collapse, respectively.
We are scientifically, in my opinion, at the critical point of no-return, where even transitioning the world within 20 years to solar and wind, if this were possible based on political economic, business, technological, cultural and other considerations, it may not stop the release of this potentially extinction level feedback loop.
An idea I thought of running (9/15/16), just may save the species from total extinction. It is TransitionNOW to Super Structures Encasing All Nuclear Reactors, Ocean and Land Based. Some of these 100 foot high, or higher, concrete super structures, built around ocean based nuclear reactors, I trust will ultimately be built, but I doubt that they will save the species. I would suggest some type of super product, that shoots into these reactor super structures, in the event that they are overwhelmed or fail, to contain the radioactive materials.
These will not do much for saving New York, or Florida, let alone low lying areas around the globe, but they may have the potential to save the species from extinction. As I have thought about this idea over a night, it hit me that there is not any way the the EMM&MS will build these in time. They will certainly try, as the sea levels rising and storms going ballistic threaten our species, but I trust that as with transitioning to solar and wind, it will all be too little - too late!
Plus, there is still the possibility of massive general releases of hundred plus gigatons of methane and carbon spiking global mean temperatures, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian and Arctic tundra, that resulted in the all of the climaxes of the prior mass extinction events, especially, the Permian extinction. Transitioning to hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production, when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, I believe, will insure that this happens on a greater level, than the Permian Extinction.
When the East Siberian Arctic Shelf looks like a pot of boiling water during a month or more in the summer, or worse yet, like a 1.2 million square mile fountain, bubbling up, due to massive releases of methane hydrates, this, I argue, will be when the rapid melting of most of Greenland and Antarctica is not far off. Probably not the doomsday scenario depicted in "The Day After Tomorrow," but not too far off. This type of event will signify a massive release of methane, and the very likely spike in global temperatures, that will likely melt most of Greenland and Antarctica.
Will global mean temperatures catching up to already high carbon levels, which I argue, will be greatly increased (carbon levels) due to scaling up hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff and due to the growth of China and India, cause this massive melt, seal level rise and super storms first, or will the melting of the Arctic summer ice, which is close to already occurring, and a decade(s) of an ice free Arctic, cause the release of these massive stores of methane hydrates first? In my opinion, this is the only question determining how soon most, if not all, species will go extinct on Planet Titanic!
Both of these two primary scenarios will be enhanced by the slowing of the Gulf Stream, due to increasing desalination and warming of the Atlantic, caused by Greenland's ice melting, however in my opinion, I see this as a secondary driving force.
When coupled with any meaningful number of nuclear reactors imploding and exploding on the ocean, and on land, due to sea levels rising significantly, super storms, and the collapse of global societies, I argue, this will likely result in a massive general releases, multiple releases as during the Permian Extinction, of a hundred plus gigatons of methane and carbon, ending in the death of all, if not all most all, species. This would include all homo greedious, even the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! It Is THE END!
I argue that it is not possible to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, due to primarily political economic and business forces, hence, in my opinion, we have let the EMM&MS insure the extinction of our species, if not, all species. If the world would TransitioNOW to Super Structures Encasing all Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactdors, it just may not be - THE END! However, it will be "hell on earth" if the world does not TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind! I believe that all that will be done to transition to solar and wind, and to encase in super structures, ocean and land based nuclear reactors, will be too little and too late!
The four critical mass death events, I argue, insuring the extinction of all, or all most all, species!
1. Falling off Hubbert's Cliff without transitioning to primarily solar and wind globally before this occurs. Billions will die, I argue, after the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff. Time guesstimate 2030-2050.
2. Ongoing rise of significant storms, becoming super storms, as documented by Hansen, with only a 2C rise in global mean temperatures, while increasing sea levels by up to 6 feet. Hurricane Matthew, Sandy and Katrina, I argue, are just the start of the rise of significant storms. I argue that these super storms will be ravishing the world by 2030-2050, due to a rise in global mean temperatures by 2C by this time period, and when coupled with sea level rise of even a few feet, will cause significant deaths.
3. Large general releases of methane and carbon from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian Arctic tundra, along with rising global carbon levels due to global growth, primarily China and India, melting a good deal of Greenland, and most importantly, a meaningful amount of Antarctica, increasing sea levels by up to 60 feet, due to global mean temperatures increasing by 3-4C, like the Pliocene period, combined with super storms, causes the death of billions more. Time guesstimate 2040-2070.
4. The implosion and explosion of many ocean and land based nuclear reactors, unleashes "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring "hell on earth," for all. Pandemics and other related issues magnify these impacts. Billions more die horrific deaths. Time guesstimate 2050-2100.
5. Massive general releases, typically in two distinct waves, of over a hundred plus gigatons of primarily methane spiking global temperatures, along with massive general releases of carbon, resulting in global mean temperatures rising by up to 5-10C, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Siberian and Arctic tundra, and elsewhere, coupled with the implosion and explosion of all nuclear reactors, results in the death of the remaining species on Planet Titanic. This could occur much sooner, which would actually be a blessing, saving billions of people much slower and more horrific deaths. Time guesstimate 2100, plus or minus 50 years.
In my opinion, it is no longer "if" these events will occur, it is "when!"
Summary, The ONLY Solution, and TransitioNOW!
Now through 2025 - Global Deflationary Soft Recession: due to the start of global aging impacts; average retirement savings of 55-64 yr olds being $12,000 in US; and, the beginning of the deflation of global asset bubbles (stocks, housing and commercial real estate), primarily.
2025-2035 - Global Deflationary Soft, then Great Depression: due to collapse of global asset bubbles (stock, housing, commercial real estate) to where the income from all assets equals a reasonable risk adjusted total return (5-6% dividend yield on stocks); significant cuts in dividend income due to prior impacts (DPI); yields on government bonds globally dropping to very low rates, like Japan, Switzerland and Germany DPI; implosion of pension and personal retirement assets and income, hence wealth and spending globally DPI; massively rising deficits (fiscal gaps becoming deficits) DPI; deficits necessitating massive cuts in government spending and increases in taxes; bankruptcy of many banks, financial and other companies DPI.
We argue that the leading indicator of climate change is the carbon level, which just hit 409 ppm, and due to the rapid rise in carbon, the lagging factor, global mean temperatures, will soon rise significantly, catching up to similar time period, like the Pliocene period. If this occurs, then by 2025-2035, the world could not only see a 2C rise, and large super storms, but it could rise significantly to 3 plus C, if large methane releases occur, due to reaching critical temperatures, where significant volumes of methane are released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian Arctic tundra. This could melt a good deal of Greenland and Antarctica, raising global sea levels by 30 feet, plus. The rise of climate change related problems rises significantly (super storms, wildfires, food shortages, rising sea levels, expansion of deserts and flooding, etc.), global economic mayhem and the rise of failed states.
2035-2050 - Global Inflationary Great Depression - the World Falls off "Hubbert's Cliff," rapidly running out of cheap oil and gas, necessitating the massive scaling up of hard fossil fuels (tar sands to oil, coal to oil, and shale to oil) and methane hydrates production; relative limited scaling up of solar and wind, versus hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production, due to trillions of dollars of fossil fuel financial interests forcing the scaling up of hard fossil fuel and methane hydrates production, and the cost of restructuring the world to wind and solar, given global economic collapse, being prohibitive.
The extension of all of the other driving forces and factors noted from now through 2035 facilitating global economic mayhem, death, rising failed states, riots and chaos; the acceleration of climate related problems, due to the length of an ice free summer Arctic increasing and causing release of gigatons of methane in East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the release of methane and carbon from the Siberian and Arctic permafrost; we argue that the prior dominance of carbon release in the Siberian Arctic tundra, was an anomaly, and that with the current rise in the number of holes in Siberia thought to have released methane, that the observed methane release on the Siberian tundra will grow significantly.
This is already documented to be occurring, the growth in both methane and carbon release in the Siberian Arctic tundra, thought to be the largest store of carbon on the planet, eclipsing everywhere else on the planet combined; and the second largest store of methane, next to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, which is the largest store of methane hydrates by unbelievable amounts; plus the significant growth of the currently occurring methane releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, I argue, will do nothing but rise geometrically, and possible, in the not too distant future, exponentially. This will be due to ongoing larger quantities of methane and carbon being released at "critical temperature points," that cause increasingly large general releases in waves of most importantly, methane, due to its short term pop effect on global mean temperatures, but in the longer-term carbon, as well, due to the extended length of time it stays in the atmosphere.
Here is the same basic conclusion stated in an amazing way by Dr. Sahakova, and Dr. Zimov, from the International Arctic Research Center, IARC. Dr. Nikita Zimov, Director, Pleistocene Park Russian Academy of Sciences, states there is more carbon in the one small area of Siberia, than there is above ground in all the rest of the world!
The most critical point, which I copied from the bottom of the next page, made by Dr. Natalia Sahakovia, Director, U.S. - Russia Methane Study, International Arctic Research Center. Please, please, watch her comments a number of times, it is the last video on Why "It Is THE END" page and is a link on the first sentence of this paragraph, as in my opinion, they are THE most critical, along with the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," plus her English is good, but the technical nature of the discussion, combined with a slight language difference, makes it important that you watch her discussion on this topic three times.
As she states, the sedimentary drape in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is up to 20 kilometers thick (12.4274 miles), versus around 1 kilometer thick in the rest of the ocean. The sedimentary drape area on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is huge, it is 2 million square kilometers (1,242,740 square miles), it is the largest shelf in the world oceans. This sedimentary drape is where the massive amounts of methane hydrates are stored, and due to the fact that this drape is roughly 20 times as thick as it is in most of the ocean floor and because it is the largest ocean shelf in the world, it is estimated to hold these massive amounts of methane hydrates. In the ocean, when the methane hydrates are released, the methane is absorbed and used on its way to the surface. On the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, because it is so shallow, the methane reaches the atmosphere.
Warming these methane hydrates may release these massive stores of methane, and they will make their way to the atmosphere, potentially causing a massive increase in the atmospheric burden of methane, which may then spike global temperatures. As a result of their drilling of this sedimentary drape, they have concluded that the methane hydrates are close to being released NOW!
Think of what is going to happen. If you are getting the arguments of this website, based on the information that I detail on this website, which I try to keep to the primary driving forces, occam's razor at work. I believe, that as the temperatures rise, large sections of the methane hydrates in this sedimentary drape will reach a critical temperature threshold, where they will be released in a wave of gigatons, to ultimately, potentially hundreds of gigatons, in general releases.
This process has been identified many times now in core samples, like those presented in the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice!" and "The Arctic Death Spiral and The Methane Monster." It is also evident in many samples from Greenland and many other places. This will happen as sequentially larger amounts of frozen methane hyrates at ever increasing depths, are warmed enough for sequentially larger, and larger general releases. This typically happens in two massive releases, the first, the top layer of methane hydrates. The second, lower levels of mehtane hydrates. The latter release typically follows quite quickly after the first, as the first warms the surrounding area significantly.
We know that this will happen, as it has happened in all of the five past Great Extinctions, it is only the timing and how many gigatons at a time, now that are the questions. When, how quickly, and how horrifically will it happen, not if it will happen! These are the arguments of this website, TransitioNOW or It Is THE END! As the EMM&MS will not allow this to happen - It Is THE END!
The result of these potentially massive general releases of methane and carbon, I argue, may result in melting not only the Arctic, but as we know now, potentially much of Antarctica's ice, with even a 3-4C rise in global mean temperatures, as occurred during the Pliocene period, when atmospheric carbon was around where it is today. Further, this potential warming may cause super storms, even at as low as a 2C rise in global mean temperatures, and when combined with global sea level increases, may then result in the implosion and explosion of many of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, resulting in, I argue, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
2050-2075 - The Driving Force of "It Is THE END!" - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop": the rise of global mean temps to 3-4C, like the Pliocene period, due to the massive increase in hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production from 2030-2050, the ongoing escalation of the atmospheric burden of carbon from the growth of India and China, and the increasing methane and carbon general releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the Siberian Arctic tundra, increasing global carbon levels to 500 to 600 ppm, and hence, global mean temperatures to 3-4C, resulting in global seal levels rising by up to 60 feet.
A 30-60 foot sea level rise, combined with super storms have been trashing ocean based nuclear power plants for many decades by now, very few have been encased in super structures on the ocean or land, as a result, the storms, sea level rise, and the collapse of most societies, results in the imploding and exploding many of the nuclear reactors, most importantly, the Asian based; the fallout from these reactors ultimately ends up going to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and warming it more; tens to hundreds of gigatons of methane and carbon being released in massive general releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the Siberian and Arctic tundra, respectively; these releases facilitate further sea level rises; the Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop results in the death of most species globally.
The land based nuclear reactors implode and explode, due to the collapse of global societies, making most of Planet Titanic, a nuclear wasteland. Massive numbers of migrants flood to New Zeland, Australia, Chile and Africa, the lowest parts of the Southern Hemisphere, while the Money Monsters and Money Sluts build bunkers in Antarctica to try to survive "hell on earth!"
2100 - Plus or Minus 50 Years - "It Is THE END" of All Species due to the Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop increasing global mean temperatures to 5-10C, releasing tens, to very possibly, many hundreds of gigatons of methane and carbon in a number of massive general releases, typically two massive ones, similar to what caused the Permian Extinction, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Siberian and Arctic tundra, and globlly, imploding and exploding all ocean based nuclear reactors, with land based nuclear reactors imploding and exploding, due to the collapse of global civilization, making the earth a nuclear wasteland! The next logical transition, Planet Snowball.
The ONLY Solution, what I call "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" is for the UN to issue 5% of countries GDP annually NOW in "save the species," country specific, non-debt based currency and invest these funds in transitioning the world to solar and wind until completed, and for the "EMM&MS Buyout of their fossil fuel interests," to preserve these fossil fuels for generations to come, and prohibit, if successful, ever having the EMM&MS and the fossil fuel industries, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, threatening our species again!
"How the Rothschilds and Bankers Control America" documentary discusses how to transition to country specific (can't split monetary and fiscal policies) non-debt based currency, which I agree with their plan. The title is the link to the video, and it is at the bottom of The 16 Forces and Factors page. Their non-debt base currency plan, I argue, is the only solution to the US $200 trillion plus, fiscal gap, which the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the EMM&MS, have dumped on us, due to their insatiable greed for money and power.
The four uses of this non-debt based currency would be to: 1) transition to solar and wind globally, 2) the purchase of the EMM&MS fossil fuel interests, 3) purchase out all Central Banks and have them state owned, and 4) to purchase out the global war industries, to have them state owned. In that order of priority, I argue, the first two are critical to the survival of the species, the latter two, to the freedom from the plutocrats and their corporatetocracy mercenaries. To really insure this freedom, a 100% inheritance tax on family wealth over $100 million should be implemented, but as I know that the EMM&MS evil powers are so strong, and the rest of you are so weak, I trust that this is beyond the powers of the people.
Add to this a 5% additional amount of currency, above GDP growth, or more likely and desirable, GDP controlled decline (-3% GDP plus 5% = 2% money supply growth), to transition to solar and wind, from fossil fuels, having each country acquire all fossil fuels and all Central Banks, until the world is transitioned to primarily solar and wind.
The UN and US military could be used to help implement this plan. The focus should be small to medium sized owner and employee, run and owned companies. Large transnational and multinational firms should rarely be used, only when the latter small to medium sized companies can not be used, due to serious economies of scale. Inflation risk is meaningless, given the level of extinction risk, and I would argue, nominal, given the noted driving forces that I just summarized that may collapse the world into a Global Deflationary, then Inflationary, Great Depression until The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop insures the death of our species!
The Only Justice is to take the advice of the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascist, masquerading as Libertarians, beloved Austrian School scholars, and become enlightened consumers and:
Bury Them in Product Liability Suits Globally, do not agree to any universally binding awards, take their fossil fuel holdings as partial settlements, go after these EMM&MS and fossil fuel companies in every country, state, etc. Trust me, sadly the damages will become more horrific and the science will become more conclusive, until the death of all species. Bury them until they are bankrupt.
Boycott their Products and Services Globally, and hopefully,
Bankrupt Them in Product Liability Awards, the EMM&MS, the Ruthless Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the Evil Wrong, the Dark Money Monsters, that surpass all other awards for all products combined, and by Collapsing Demand for their products and services, by the end of our species, which they have caused! What amount of awards could possibly pay for the extinction of all species?
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind (, is a hoped for non-profit that I would like to champion globally, to facilitate this justice globally; to promote the "UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan;" to promote aggressive and substantial "carbon taxes;" and, to promote subsidies and net metering for solar and wind.
Our most important objectives are to be one in our "True Spirit of God's Love." To live out our remaining years on Planet Titanic, getting closer to The Love of God, and embracing this love, in how we love others, even those that persecute us, to forgive those that hurt us, and to help those in need. Until we stand before The God of Love, and embrace our True Spirits in God's Love for Eternity!
TransitionNOW to Allowing the Global Markets to Collapse, then TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind to Stabilize the Global Economies Not Re-inflate the Global Asset Bubbles. A global economic collapse is the only thing that will stop global growth, and hence, the risk of rising carbon levels, and massive methane hydrates releasing. If the world economies collapsed, then asset values stayed where the income provided a reasonable risk adjusted return. While the world used the UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan to transition to Solar and Wind. This, I argue, has the best odds of saving the species.
TransitioNOW the ONLY Rational Defense, as transitioning the world to solar and wind NOW, is the only way to avert the global economic mayhem that running off Hubbert's Cliff, super storms, significant sea level rises, and unleashing The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, will portend for the world. Using the US Military globally, combined with "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan," to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, I argue, is "The ONLY Rational Defense."
TrasitioNOW! to Adoption or NOT having children. The only primary solution that the bottom 99% can control is to not have children, for their sake and that of the species, and adopt, if you want children. The goal is to voluntarily average around 1 child in three families, until a global population of around 2 billion is achieved. Then a replacement level of children, around 2.2 per family would be optimal. In my view, it is this or all children will be dead, along with the rest of us, soon!
TransitioNOW to Managed Global Economic Decline and Depopulation. If the conclusions of this work are correct, the world will either transition to managed global economic decline and depopulation, or Mother Nature will facilitate this in a horrific and permanent manner. I just watched the G20 conference, and the primary focus, how to accelerate economic growth! It is either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, or It Is THE END!
TransitioNOW to Super Structure Encasings of All Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactors to insure that as sea levels increase by as much as 60 plus feet, with super storms, and with the world becoming a world wide failed state, that these nuclear reactors will not implode and explode. Include a fail safe super foam or product that will contain the radioactive materials in these super structures, in the event of the structure being overwhelmed or failing.
TransitioNOW to Capturing and/or Neutralizing the Methane and Carbon being released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and Siberian Permafrost which currently threatens the death of all species, if the arguments on this site are correct. Not sure exactly how this might be done, some type of chemical foam material sprayed over this area, where the material absorbs the methane and carbon, or the chemical neutralizes it. I will have to rely on the chemists and the scientific community to run with this idea. Hopefully this germ of an idea may stimulate a species saving solution! Just after I wrote this idea down, I watched the video "Rethinking Methane in the Arctic." It seems to have some hope for the role of iron in potentially neutralizing methane in the tundra. Not sure if this has any application to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf or the Siberian tundra, but we can certainly hope something like this emerges. I note on the next page, that even removing the methane and carbon risks in Siberia will not eliminate the "hell on earth," due to falling off Hubbert's Cliff, over population, and climate impacts such as expanding deserts, flooding, rising oceans, ocean acidification, pollution, etc., etc. But it may eliminate the risk of total extinction of the species.
TransitioNOW! to GTLBX Sustainable Communities, I hope, will establish communities, like Provencetown, MA, that are GTLBX based, around the world, but also in New Zeland to facilitate safe and sustainable communities for the GTLBX community and supporters to live out the coming economic and environmental hell, and facilitate moving to these southern, potentially safer, locations.
TransitionNOW! to Sustainable Organic Local Farming and less Animal Agriculture will seek to get schools, colleges and universities to purchase only products locally and organically grown, and with less animal agricultural products annually. The objective is to reduce the animal agricultural products in the diets of our students to 30% of current levels by 2040.
TransitioNOW to Planning Your Life for these changes. The only thing that you can do, if you believe that the world is facing the last good decade on planet earth, is to enjoy it, do your bucket list, as much as you can. Get defensive, and prepare for the world economic and environmental conditions to worsen rapidly. If you are young, you may seriously look at moving to the most southern places, like New Zeland, which will likely be the last civilizations on the planet. I will present my ideas on the TransitioNOW page, and in my hoped for book.
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind Case Study, I believe, is a great way to educate students from each of the title disciplines, along with related disciplines (solar and wind engineering and design, product liability law, sustainable engineering, farming of the future, sustainable housing design, etc.) about these massive driving forces and factors, no matter what your's or their views are about my conclusions. Putting a multi-disciplinary group of students and professors together, to tackle these issues, and to come up with their own views and solutions, which would then be presented in a panel type format to further educate the community, at the end of the quarter or semester, to welcomed faculty and guests, is what I would see as ideal. I was in what was billed as the first graduate seminar in how to launch and expand high technology companies, held at nine universities. It used this type of multidisciplinary approach, without the ending presentation.
If you see the vision of using this web site, this is sufficient for any undergraduate or graduate level course as a "case study" on these massive driving forces, in my perspective. Plus, the documentary format, with links to books and articles, all of academic quality, is designed for this "case study approach" to educate students about the critical need to TransitioNOW! to solar and wind. I have developed many of these case studies, and developed many Harvard University Case Studies Series on Market Analysis and Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Technology Company Formation, and Internet Research for Technology Company Strategic Management, at the University of Utah, University of Nevada, Reno, Sierra Nevada College, and Lake Tahoe Community College. I have also taught Comparative Economic Systems, Macro and Micro Economics, Portfolio Management and Investments, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Monetary Policy and Theory, to name the primary courses.
I have a broad range of experience teaching case studies; have developed hundreds of strategic and venture financing plans for all types of companies, and was the key person preparing companies for the annual Utah Venture Capital Conference, and companies submitting plans for the Utah Technology Finance Corporation Grants. Due to the cost and difficulty of obtaining venture capital, I developed many international strategic relationships with European, and Asian companies. I developed what was billed as the first ever symposium on "Online Research to develop High Technology Companies," where I featured my work at the UofU launching and expanding Utah's high technology companies, at the University of Colorado, in 1990, using Dialog Information System's data bases, the precursors to the internet.
I was a Partner in a Strategic Planning firm, which was headed by Craig Hickman, author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence." My recent work is in using my strategy, market forecasting and financial economics skills. Due to industry regulations, I am prohibited from telling you about my current work, as this web site would then be subject to regulatory review, sorry. My knowledge of these matters is broad and extensive, regardless of if we agree about all or any of my conclusions about what the world is facing. Given this background, I am very interested in helping students plan for redesigning the future to be a world driven by renewable energies, sustainable, and more humane, even in the face of a likely global collapse, which I don't think many people can even imagine, and sadly, the end of all species.
I would value greatly having critiques that further develop my work, and include any critiques in my forthcoming book, from students, professors and other scientists, that would like their critiques published in my forthcoming book and/or on this web site. I will be glad to respond to all serious critiques, and to publish summaries of these critiques. This includes serious critiques from the radical right, to the extent that they are structured in an academic nature, like this. Feel free to use "Presidential" terminology, like I try to do, to spice up your writing, and to release a bit of the tension associated with this debate.
I am interested in any debates on these topics, and in doing presentations to University and College groups, in particular, but community groups, in general. All I request is covering my travel and related expenses, and I am very willing to stay at professor's homes.
It certainly is a bit like David, trying to kill Goliath, in fact, many Goliaths, with trillions and trillions of dollars! But, better to go out at least trying, and who knows, I more than anyone, hope that I am wrong about the species level extinction risk, and the belief that it is already to late, as it is impossible to transition the world to solar and wind, before falling off Hubbert's Cliff.
I was in an one act play competition group in high school. The lead, portraying Nobel Laurette, Elie Wiesel, and his story of being in the Nazi Concentration Camps, at Auschwitz. We took second in the state of Michigan, and telling my, "Elie's," story of watching my family, and ultimately, my Dad, go off to the gas chambers, crying so deeply, along with all of the audience, so many times over the school year, really touched my soul in a very unique way.
In my own way, I am trying to stop the world from "going quietly into the night!" Watching, in my opinion, the rich and powerful drive the world obsessively off these many cliffs, that they have created, due to their insatiable greed for money and power! The Book "Night" is what we used to tell "Elie's" story. My story, is that all my life, see my bio, I have tried in various ways, to help the world transition to a renewable energy, humane, and sustainable future.
I believe that the most humane, Christ like, societies, that would meet the Matthew: 25 test of "what ever you do to the least of my brothers," and so too the humanist test of developing a humane society, are the "best of the best," of the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweeden), small to medium sized market socialist countries (market incentives, pricing and asset allocation, without monopolies, the corporate state, plutocrats, or excessive government, free health care, education and retirement funding, and less risk of creating massive military industrial complexes), with most products and services provided by small to medium sized, owner and employee, owned and run companies, without the MM (royalty, centimillionaires and billionaires). I believe in a 100% inheritance tax above $100 million per family, which would affect roughly 5,000 families globally on a planet of over 7.3 billion people, of which all may die horrific deaths within roughly the next 100 years, if these arguments are correct, as a result of their insane greed and enormous plutocratic powers. I am not sure this is the type of freedom you want to give mostly psychopath and sociopath EMM&MS, especially at the very real risk of the total extinction of the species.
Being blunt, this economic structure, I believe, is the best way to control men's, and now even women's, insatiable, and in most cases evil and insatiable, testosterone driven greed for money, power, and sex, while motivating most people, and honoring Christ's command for getting into Heaven (Matthew: 25). I will continue this effort to try to get the world to TransitioNOW to a renewable energy, sustainable, humane society, until I face my Loving God and am fulfilled in God's love for eternity!
How's that for my opinion on "what is going to happen," "what should happen," a few paragraphs on "planning for the coming hell on earth," and the opening "what I believe the God of Love, Jesus, inspired me to say." If I am correct, what should happen, will not! It is THE END! Prepare your lives, your families, and most importantly, your soul NOW!
Michelangelo - The David
Michelangelo, and especially his work, The David, have always been a major inspiration for me. I hope that this overview of The David and Michelangelo's life inspires you as well.
The Physical Dimension
The Nordic Model
My Favorite Places to Survive
Hell on Earth!
For many reasons, I believe that the world may be cascading into economic, then environmental abyss, beginning soon, with economic mayhem hitting by 2025-2030, then getting much worse by the thirties, and possibly, hell on earth by the second half of this century. Here is a Youtube based presentation, using primarily documentaries, presentations, conferences, papers and books to help in your learning experience. I hope that this approach of providing documentaries, and links to presentations, articles and books will facilitate your learning experience.
It should become quickly obvious, that unlike most other authors seeking to present these risks and possible solutions, with an easing sense of "hope," my approach is more like a "cold slap in the face" for the people, a "belt across the but" for the reasonably good spiritual and political leaders not standing against the misguided leaders.
I will continue to update this with new documentaries, books, and articles as I find them, and new insights and ideas as I have them, so for those interested, check back. If these arguments are even close to accurate, I trust that I will have an ongoing plethora of new information. Most of the new information I will add to an additional page, titled with the year, "2016 New," once I have finished this web site. I will then add this new information to the body of the pages when I put it on this site, so that new readers are getting the latest additions, but I will also have the new additions on this future page as well by the date added, to facilitate following updates, for those interested. So if you read this in February 2017, you only need to go to the 2017 New page, and read additions since February 2017, say in April 2017, when you visit again. If you then come back in July of 2017, you then can refer to new information since you last visited this site, after April 2017, for instance.
One of my heros is Guy McPherson, who also believes the end of the species is not far off, but he is more optimistic, as he thinks it will be sooner than I do. As my wife jokes, is there anyone in his audience, she asks? I noted that I will make our Mom watch my presentation and read my work, at least. Oh no you wont, she exclaims! I argue, this is one of the "critical factors," people just want to focus on the positive! Easy to understand why, but if you are on Planet Titanic, you may want to stop focusing on the positive and partying long enough to steer the boat away from all of the "ice bergs" before it is too late!
In this time period, it is literally the ice bergs melting that are the species level extinction risk, how ironic! As she notes, what can we do about it. Well here is my attempt to get the "Captains," the EMM&MS, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex/Wall Street) Fascists, to steer the boat away from the ice bergs NOW, even if it is already too late to stop the ice bergs from melting!
Even if it is already to late to stop THE END, the primary objectives of this site are to help people find their True Spirit In The Logical God of Love, find their way home to Oneness with The One, live out their remaining years on this earth, as the species goes extinct, with as much dignity, love and peace in God's Love, as they can. Suffering as little as possible, prior to the extinction of all species, in an ending that only Hell can compare with. Although I expect that few may ever read this work, which I have spent my life working on, it is for you My Lord, My Saviour, the Logical God of Love! and, both lead to this site. For those that prefer to think of the positive, you may want to remember, remember, only one "N!"
"The Critical Tipping Point," where the world could have transitioned from a fossil fuel economy, to a solar and wind driven economy, I argue, was stolen from us at the turn of the century, along with so much more, and was proof that it is the financial interests of the oil and war lords that will insure the death of all species. The Billionaires behind the Evil Wrong, featured in the book "Dark Money," primarily the Koch Brothers and the Kochtapus, the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts (EMM&MS for short), and the fossil fuel companies globally, including OPEC, what I also refer to as the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists (MIC = Military Industrial Complex, WS=Wall Street), masquerading as Libertarians, have been systematically, continuously and with billions of dollars, defrauding the world on the species level extinction risk of their product, fossil fuels, if these arguments are correct, and "Dark Money" is accurate, insuring the death of all species.
"The Climate Change Tipping Point," we are crossing now, as atmospheric carbon just hit 409 ppm, it was at 380-450 ppm in the Pliocene period. Both atmospheric carbon levels, and especially global mean temperatures, have significant lag-times from the release of carbon and methane to when they affect average global carbon levels, and more critically, global mean temperatures, primarily due to the very rapid rise of the atmospheric burden of carbon, compared to historical norms, like the Pliocene period. Both of these lag-time events, already have insured, I argue, that the world will reach the higher end of the carbon level during the Pliocene period of 450 ppm, and a 4C plus global mean temperature rise, due to the carbon and methane that has already been released into the atmosphere. I argue, it is "baked into the cake" already!
Recent research has shown that during the Pliocene period, similar to today in carbon levels, global mean temperatures rose by 3-4C, melting most of Antarctica, and as a result, sea levels rose by up to 60 feet. Carbon levels and temperatures rose over thousands of years to get to this level during the Pliocene period, and hence, followed each other quite closely. Carbon levels have skyrocketed over the past 150 years, since the industrial revolution, so I argue that temperatures will take awhile to catch up, but will ultimately do so much more rapidly, once they start escalating. We now know that even a 2C rise may cause super storms that move thousand ton boulders. Even half this sea level rise, combined with super storms, may implode and explode many ocean based nuclear reactors. This may unleash "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I define in this work.
By "baked into the cake," I am referring to the fact that even if the world would TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, it would increase the global atmospheric burden of carbon, just to make the transition. This will result, I argue, by 2050-2075 in 500 ppm of carbon or more, well beyond the Pliocene period. This may increase global sea levels by more than 60 feet, and combined with super storms, may well result in the extinction of most of the species. This will be especially true, if all, or all most all, ocean based and land based, nuclear reactors are not encased in super structures, preventing their implosion and explosion, when sea levels rise significantly, combined with super storms, and global societies collapse, respectively.
We are scientifically, in my opinion, at the critical point of no-return, where even transitioning the world within 20 years to solar and wind, if this were possible based on political economic, business, technological, cultural and other considerations, it may not stop the release of this potentially extinction level feedback loop.
An idea I thought of running (9/15/16), just may save the species from total extinction. It is TransitionNOW to Super Structures Encasing All Nuclear Reactors, Ocean and Land Based. Some of these 100 foot high, or higher, concrete super structures, built around ocean based nuclear reactors, I trust will ultimately be built, but I doubt that they will save the species. I would suggest some type of super product, that shoots into these reactor super structures, in the event that they are overwhelmed or fail, to contain the radioactive materials.
These will not do much for saving New York, or Florida, let alone low lying areas around the globe, but they may have the potential to save the species from extinction. As I have thought about this idea over a night, it hit me that there is not any way the the EMM&MS will build these in time. They will certainly try, as the sea levels rising and storms going ballistic threaten our species, but I trust that as with transitioning to solar and wind, it will all be too little - too late!
Plus, there is still the possibility of massive general releases of hundred plus gigatons of methane and carbon spiking global mean temperatures, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian and Arctic tundra, that resulted in the all of the climaxes of the prior mass extinction events, especially, the Permian extinction. Transitioning to hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production, when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, I believe, will insure that this happens on a greater level, than the Permian Extinction.
When the East Siberian Arctic Shelf looks like a pot of boiling water during a month or more in the summer, or worse yet, like a 1.2 million square mile fountain, bubbling up, due to massive releases of methane hydrates, this, I argue, will be when the rapid melting of most of Greenland and Antarctica is not far off. Probably not the doomsday scenario depicted in "The Day After Tomorrow," but not too far off. This type of event will signify a massive release of methane, and the very likely spike in global temperatures, that will likely melt most of Greenland and Antarctica.
Will global mean temperatures catching up to already high carbon levels, which I argue, will be greatly increased (carbon levels) due to scaling up hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff and due to the growth of China and India, cause this massive melt, seal level rise and super storms first, or will the melting of the Arctic summer ice, which is close to already occurring, and a decade(s) of an ice free Arctic, cause the release of these massive stores of methane hydrates first? In my opinion, this is the only question determining how soon most, if not all, species will go extinct on Planet Titanic!
Both of these two primary scenarios will be enhanced by the slowing of the Gulf Stream, due to increasing desalination and warming of the Atlantic, caused by Greenland's ice melting, however in my opinion, I see this as a secondary driving force.
When coupled with any meaningful number of nuclear reactors imploding and exploding on the ocean, and on land, due to sea levels rising significantly, super storms, and the collapse of global societies, I argue, this will likely result in a massive general releases, multiple releases as during the Permian Extinction, of a hundred plus gigatons of methane and carbon, ending in the death of all, if not all most all, species. This would include all homo greedious, even the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! It Is THE END!
I argue that it is not possible to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, due to primarily political economic and business forces, hence, in my opinion, we have let the EMM&MS insure the extinction of our species, if not, all species. If the world would TransitioNOW to Super Structures Encasing all Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactdors, it just may not be - THE END! However, it will be "hell on earth" if the world does not TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind! I believe that all that will be done to transition to solar and wind, and to encase in super structures, ocean and land based nuclear reactors, will be too little and too late!
The four critical mass death events, I argue, insuring the extinction of all, or all most all, species!
1. Falling off Hubbert's Cliff without transitioning to primarily solar and wind globally before this occurs. Billions will die, I argue, after the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff. Time guesstimate 2030-2050.
2. Ongoing rise of significant storms, becoming super storms, as documented by Hansen, with only a 2C rise in global mean temperatures, while increasing sea levels by up to 6 feet. Hurricane Matthew, Sandy and Katrina, I argue, are just the start of the rise of significant storms. I argue that these super storms will be ravishing the world by 2030-2050, due to a rise in global mean temperatures by 2C by this time period, and when coupled with sea level rise of even a few feet, will cause significant deaths.
3. Large general releases of methane and carbon from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian Arctic tundra, along with rising global carbon levels due to global growth, primarily China and India, melting a good deal of Greenland, and most importantly, a meaningful amount of Antarctica, increasing sea levels by up to 60 feet, due to global mean temperatures increasing by 3-4C, like the Pliocene period, combined with super storms, causes the death of billions more. Time guesstimate 2040-2070.
4. The implosion and explosion of many ocean and land based nuclear reactors, unleashes "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," insuring "hell on earth," for all. Pandemics and other related issues magnify these impacts. Billions more die horrific deaths. Time guesstimate 2050-2100.
5. Massive general releases, typically in two distinct waves, of over a hundred plus gigatons of primarily methane spiking global temperatures, along with massive general releases of carbon, resulting in global mean temperatures rising by up to 5-10C, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Siberian and Arctic tundra, and elsewhere, coupled with the implosion and explosion of all nuclear reactors, results in the death of the remaining species on Planet Titanic. This could occur much sooner, which would actually be a blessing, saving billions of people much slower and more horrific deaths. Time guesstimate 2100, plus or minus 50 years.
In my opinion, it is no longer "if" these events will occur, it is "when!"
Summary, The ONLY Solution, and TransitioNOW!
Now through 2025 - Global Deflationary Soft Recession: due to the start of global aging impacts; average retirement savings of 55-64 yr olds being $12,000 in US; and, the beginning of the deflation of global asset bubbles (stocks, housing and commercial real estate), primarily.
2025-2035 - Global Deflationary Soft, then Great Depression: due to collapse of global asset bubbles (stock, housing, commercial real estate) to where the income from all assets equals a reasonable risk adjusted total return (5-6% dividend yield on stocks); significant cuts in dividend income due to prior impacts (DPI); yields on government bonds globally dropping to very low rates, like Japan, Switzerland and Germany DPI; implosion of pension and personal retirement assets and income, hence wealth and spending globally DPI; massively rising deficits (fiscal gaps becoming deficits) DPI; deficits necessitating massive cuts in government spending and increases in taxes; bankruptcy of many banks, financial and other companies DPI.
We argue that the leading indicator of climate change is the carbon level, which just hit 409 ppm, and due to the rapid rise in carbon, the lagging factor, global mean temperatures, will soon rise significantly, catching up to similar time period, like the Pliocene period. If this occurs, then by 2025-2035, the world could not only see a 2C rise, and large super storms, but it could rise significantly to 3 plus C, if large methane releases occur, due to reaching critical temperatures, where significant volumes of methane are released on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and the Siberian Arctic tundra. This could melt a good deal of Greenland and Antarctica, raising global sea levels by 30 feet, plus. The rise of climate change related problems rises significantly (super storms, wildfires, food shortages, rising sea levels, expansion of deserts and flooding, etc.), global economic mayhem and the rise of failed states.
2035-2050 - Global Inflationary Great Depression - the World Falls off "Hubbert's Cliff," rapidly running out of cheap oil and gas, necessitating the massive scaling up of hard fossil fuels (tar sands to oil, coal to oil, and shale to oil) and methane hydrates production; relative limited scaling up of solar and wind, versus hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production, due to trillions of dollars of fossil fuel financial interests forcing the scaling up of hard fossil fuel and methane hydrates production, and the cost of restructuring the world to wind and solar, given global economic collapse, being prohibitive.
The extension of all of the other driving forces and factors noted from now through 2035 facilitating global economic mayhem, death, rising failed states, riots and chaos; the acceleration of climate related problems, due to the length of an ice free summer Arctic increasing and causing release of gigatons of methane in East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the release of methane and carbon from the Siberian and Arctic permafrost; we argue that the prior dominance of carbon release in the Siberian Arctic tundra, was an anomaly, and that with the current rise in the number of holes in Siberia thought to have released methane, that the observed methane release on the Siberian tundra will grow significantly.
This is already documented to be occurring, the growth in both methane and carbon release in the Siberian Arctic tundra, thought to be the largest store of carbon on the planet, eclipsing everywhere else on the planet combined; and the second largest store of methane, next to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, which is the largest store of methane hydrates by unbelievable amounts; plus the significant growth of the currently occurring methane releases on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, I argue, will do nothing but rise geometrically, and possible, in the not too distant future, exponentially. This will be due to ongoing larger quantities of methane and carbon being released at "critical temperature points," that cause increasingly large general releases in waves of most importantly, methane, due to its short term pop effect on global mean temperatures, but in the longer-term carbon, as well, due to the extended length of time it stays in the atmosphere.
Here is the same basic conclusion stated in an amazing way by Dr. Sahakova, and Dr. Zimov, from the International Arctic Research Center, IARC. Dr. Nikita Zimov, Director, Pleistocene Park Russian Academy of Sciences, states there is more carbon in the one small area of Siberia, than there is above ground in all the rest of the world!
The most critical point, which I copied from the bottom of the next page, made by Dr. Natalia Sahakovia, Director, U.S. - Russia Methane Study, International Arctic Research Center. Please, please, watch her comments a number of times, it is the last video on Why "It Is THE END" page and is a link on the first sentence of this paragraph, as in my opinion, they are THE most critical, along with the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath The Ice," plus her English is good, but the technical nature of the discussion, combined with a slight language difference, makes it important that you watch her discussion on this topic three times.
As she states, the sedimentary drape in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is up to 20 kilometers thick (12.4274 miles), versus around 1 kilometer thick in the rest of the ocean. The sedimentary drape area on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is huge, it is 2 million square kilometers (1,242,740 square miles), it is the largest shelf in the world oceans. This sedimentary drape is where the massive amounts of methane hydrates are stored, and due to the fact that this drape is roughly 20 times as thick as it is in most of the ocean floor and because it is the largest ocean shelf in the world, it is estimated to hold these massive amounts of methane hydrates. In the ocean, when the methane hydrates are released, the methane is absorbed and used on its way to the surface. On the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, because it is so shallow, the methane reaches the atmosphere.
Warming these methane hydrates may release these massive stores of methane, and they will make their way to the atmosphere, potentially causing a massive increase in the atmospheric burden of methane, which may then spike global temperatures. As a result of their drilling of this sedimentary drape, they have concluded that the methane hydrates are close to being released NOW!
Think of what is going to happen. If you are getting the arguments of this website, based on the information that I detail on this website, which I try to keep to the primary driving forces, occam's razor at work. I believe, that as the temperatures rise, large sections of the methane hydrates in this sedimentary drape will reach a critical temperature threshold, where they will be released in a wave of gigatons, to ultimately, potentially hundreds of gigatons, in general releases.
This process has been identified many times now in core samples, like those presented in the documentary "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice!" and "The Arctic Death Spiral and The Methane Monster." It is also evident in many samples from Greenland and many other places. This will happen as sequentially larger amounts of frozen methane hyrates at ever increasing depths, are warmed enough for sequentially larger, and larger general releases. This typically happens in two massive releases, the first, the top layer of methane hydrates. The second, lower levels of mehtane hydrates. The latter release typically follows quite quickly after the first, as the first warms the surrounding area significantly.
We know that this will happen, as it has happened in all of the five past Great Extinctions, it is only the timing and how many gigatons at a time, now that are the questions. When, how quickly, and how horrifically will it happen, not if it will happen! These are the arguments of this website, TransitioNOW or It Is THE END! As the EMM&MS will not allow this to happen - It Is THE END!
The result of these potentially massive general releases of methane and carbon, I argue, may result in melting not only the Arctic, but as we know now, potentially much of Antarctica's ice, with even a 3-4C rise in global mean temperatures, as occurred during the Pliocene period, when atmospheric carbon was around where it is today. Further, this potential warming may cause super storms, even at as low as a 2C rise in global mean temperatures, and when combined with global sea level increases, may then result in the implosion and explosion of many of the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, resulting in, I argue, "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop."
2050-2075 - The Driving Force of "It Is THE END!" - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop": the rise of global mean temps to 3-4C, like the Pliocene period, due to the massive increase in hard fossil fuels and methane hydrates production from 2030-2050, the ongoing escalation of the atmospheric burden of carbon from the growth of India and China, and the increasing methane and carbon general releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the Siberian Arctic tundra, increasing global carbon levels to 500 to 600 ppm, and hence, global mean temperatures to 3-4C, resulting in global seal levels rising by up to 60 feet.
A 30-60 foot sea level rise, combined with super storms have been trashing ocean based nuclear power plants for many decades by now, very few have been encased in super structures on the ocean or land, as a result, the storms, sea level rise, and the collapse of most societies, results in the imploding and exploding many of the nuclear reactors, most importantly, the Asian based; the fallout from these reactors ultimately ends up going to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and warming it more; tens to hundreds of gigatons of methane and carbon being released in massive general releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and the Siberian and Arctic tundra, respectively; these releases facilitate further sea level rises; the Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop results in the death of most species globally.
The land based nuclear reactors implode and explode, due to the collapse of global societies, making most of Planet Titanic, a nuclear wasteland. Massive numbers of migrants flood to New Zeland, Australia, Chile and Africa, the lowest parts of the Southern Hemisphere, while the Money Monsters and Money Sluts build bunkers in Antarctica to try to survive "hell on earth!"
2100 - Plus or Minus 50 Years - "It Is THE END" of All Species due to the Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop increasing global mean temperatures to 5-10C, releasing tens, to very possibly, many hundreds of gigatons of methane and carbon in a number of massive general releases, typically two massive ones, similar to what caused the Permian Extinction, from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the Siberian and Arctic tundra, and globlly, imploding and exploding all ocean based nuclear reactors, with land based nuclear reactors imploding and exploding, due to the collapse of global civilization, making the earth a nuclear wasteland! The next logical transition, Planet Snowball.
The ONLY Solution, what I call "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan" is for the UN to issue 5% of countries GDP annually NOW in "save the species," country specific, non-debt based currency and invest these funds in transitioning the world to solar and wind until completed, and for the "EMM&MS Buyout of their fossil fuel interests," to preserve these fossil fuels for generations to come, and prohibit, if successful, ever having the EMM&MS and the fossil fuel industries, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, threatening our species again!
"How the Rothschilds and Bankers Control America" documentary discusses how to transition to country specific (can't split monetary and fiscal policies) non-debt based currency, which I agree with their plan. The title is the link to the video, and it is at the bottom of The 16 Forces and Factors page. Their non-debt base currency plan, I argue, is the only solution to the US $200 trillion plus, fiscal gap, which the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the EMM&MS, have dumped on us, due to their insatiable greed for money and power.
The four uses of this non-debt based currency would be to: 1) transition to solar and wind globally, 2) the purchase of the EMM&MS fossil fuel interests, 3) purchase out all Central Banks and have them state owned, and 4) to purchase out the global war industries, to have them state owned. In that order of priority, I argue, the first two are critical to the survival of the species, the latter two, to the freedom from the plutocrats and their corporatetocracy mercenaries. To really insure this freedom, a 100% inheritance tax on family wealth over $100 million should be implemented, but as I know that the EMM&MS evil powers are so strong, and the rest of you are so weak, I trust that this is beyond the powers of the people.
Add to this a 5% additional amount of currency, above GDP growth, or more likely and desirable, GDP controlled decline (-3% GDP plus 5% = 2% money supply growth), to transition to solar and wind, from fossil fuels, having each country acquire all fossil fuels and all Central Banks, until the world is transitioned to primarily solar and wind.
The UN and US military could be used to help implement this plan. The focus should be small to medium sized owner and employee, run and owned companies. Large transnational and multinational firms should rarely be used, only when the latter small to medium sized companies can not be used, due to serious economies of scale. Inflation risk is meaningless, given the level of extinction risk, and I would argue, nominal, given the noted driving forces that I just summarized that may collapse the world into a Global Deflationary, then Inflationary, Great Depression until The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop insures the death of our species!
The Only Justice is to take the advice of the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascist, masquerading as Libertarians, beloved Austrian School scholars, and become enlightened consumers and:
Bury Them in Product Liability Suits Globally, do not agree to any universally binding awards, take their fossil fuel holdings as partial settlements, go after these EMM&MS and fossil fuel companies in every country, state, etc. Trust me, sadly the damages will become more horrific and the science will become more conclusive, until the death of all species. Bury them until they are bankrupt.
Boycott their Products and Services Globally, and hopefully,
Bankrupt Them in Product Liability Awards, the EMM&MS, the Ruthless Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists, the Evil Wrong, the Dark Money Monsters, that surpass all other awards for all products combined, and by Collapsing Demand for their products and services, by the end of our species, which they have caused! What amount of awards could possibly pay for the extinction of all species?
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind (, is a hoped for non-profit that I would like to champion globally, to facilitate this justice globally; to promote the "UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan;" to promote aggressive and substantial "carbon taxes;" and, to promote subsidies and net metering for solar and wind.
Our most important objectives are to be one in our "True Spirit of God's Love." To live out our remaining years on Planet Titanic, getting closer to The Love of God, and embracing this love, in how we love others, even those that persecute us, to forgive those that hurt us, and to help those in need. Until we stand before The God of Love, and embrace our True Spirits in God's Love for Eternity!
TransitionNOW to Allowing the Global Markets to Collapse, then TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind to Stabilize the Global Economies Not Re-inflate the Global Asset Bubbles. A global economic collapse is the only thing that will stop global growth, and hence, the risk of rising carbon levels, and massive methane hydrates releasing. If the world economies collapsed, then asset values stayed where the income provided a reasonable risk adjusted return. While the world used the UN Save the Species Non-debt Based Currency Plan to transition to Solar and Wind. This, I argue, has the best odds of saving the species.
TransitioNOW the ONLY Rational Defense, as transitioning the world to solar and wind NOW, is the only way to avert the global economic mayhem that running off Hubbert's Cliff, super storms, significant sea level rises, and unleashing The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop, will portend for the world. Using the US Military globally, combined with "The UN Save the Species Non-Debt Based Currency Plan," to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, I argue, is "The ONLY Rational Defense."
TrasitioNOW! to Adoption or NOT having children. The only primary solution that the bottom 99% can control is to not have children, for their sake and that of the species, and adopt, if you want children. The goal is to voluntarily average around 1 child in three families, until a global population of around 2 billion is achieved. Then a replacement level of children, around 2.2 per family would be optimal. In my view, it is this or all children will be dead, along with the rest of us, soon!
TransitioNOW to Managed Global Economic Decline and Depopulation. If the conclusions of this work are correct, the world will either transition to managed global economic decline and depopulation, or Mother Nature will facilitate this in a horrific and permanent manner. I just watched the G20 conference, and the primary focus, how to accelerate economic growth! It is either TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, or It Is THE END!
TransitioNOW to Super Structure Encasings of All Ocean and Land Based Nuclear Reactors to insure that as sea levels increase by as much as 60 plus feet, with super storms, and with the world becoming a world wide failed state, that these nuclear reactors will not implode and explode. Include a fail safe super foam or product that will contain the radioactive materials in these super structures, in the event of the structure being overwhelmed or failing.
TransitioNOW to Capturing and/or Neutralizing the Methane and Carbon being released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and Siberian Permafrost which currently threatens the death of all species, if the arguments on this site are correct. Not sure exactly how this might be done, some type of chemical foam material sprayed over this area, where the material absorbs the methane and carbon, or the chemical neutralizes it. I will have to rely on the chemists and the scientific community to run with this idea. Hopefully this germ of an idea may stimulate a species saving solution! Just after I wrote this idea down, I watched the video "Rethinking Methane in the Arctic." It seems to have some hope for the role of iron in potentially neutralizing methane in the tundra. Not sure if this has any application to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf or the Siberian tundra, but we can certainly hope something like this emerges. I note on the next page, that even removing the methane and carbon risks in Siberia will not eliminate the "hell on earth," due to falling off Hubbert's Cliff, over population, and climate impacts such as expanding deserts, flooding, rising oceans, ocean acidification, pollution, etc., etc. But it may eliminate the risk of total extinction of the species.
TransitioNOW! to GTLBX Sustainable Communities, I hope, will establish communities, like Provencetown, MA, that are GTLBX based, around the world, but also in New Zeland to facilitate safe and sustainable communities for the GTLBX community and supporters to live out the coming economic and environmental hell, and facilitate moving to these southern, potentially safer, locations.
TransitionNOW! to Sustainable Organic Local Farming and less Animal Agriculture will seek to get schools, colleges and universities to purchase only products locally and organically grown, and with less animal agricultural products annually. The objective is to reduce the animal agricultural products in the diets of our students to 30% of current levels by 2040.
TransitioNOW to Planning Your Life for these changes. The only thing that you can do, if you believe that the world is facing the last good decade on planet earth, is to enjoy it, do your bucket list, as much as you can. Get defensive, and prepare for the world economic and environmental conditions to worsen rapidly. If you are young, you may seriously look at moving to the most southern places, like New Zeland, which will likely be the last civilizations on the planet. I will present my ideas on the TransitioNOW page, and in my hoped for book.
TransitioNOW! to Solar and Wind Case Study, I believe, is a great way to educate students from each of the title disciplines, along with related disciplines (solar and wind engineering and design, product liability law, sustainable engineering, farming of the future, sustainable housing design, etc.) about these massive driving forces and factors, no matter what your's or their views are about my conclusions. Putting a multi-disciplinary group of students and professors together, to tackle these issues, and to come up with their own views and solutions, which would then be presented in a panel type format to further educate the community, at the end of the quarter or semester, to welcomed faculty and guests, is what I would see as ideal. I was in what was billed as the first graduate seminar in how to launch and expand high technology companies, held at nine universities. It used this type of multidisciplinary approach, without the ending presentation.
If you see the vision of using this web site, this is sufficient for any undergraduate or graduate level course as a "case study" on these massive driving forces, in my perspective. Plus, the documentary format, with links to books and articles, all of academic quality, is designed for this "case study approach" to educate students about the critical need to TransitioNOW! to solar and wind. I have developed many of these case studies, and developed many Harvard University Case Studies Series on Market Analysis and Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Technology Company Formation, and Internet Research for Technology Company Strategic Management, at the University of Utah, University of Nevada, Reno, Sierra Nevada College, and Lake Tahoe Community College. I have also taught Comparative Economic Systems, Macro and Micro Economics, Portfolio Management and Investments, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, Monetary Policy and Theory, to name the primary courses.
I have a broad range of experience teaching case studies; have developed hundreds of strategic and venture financing plans for all types of companies, and was the key person preparing companies for the annual Utah Venture Capital Conference, and companies submitting plans for the Utah Technology Finance Corporation Grants. Due to the cost and difficulty of obtaining venture capital, I developed many international strategic relationships with European, and Asian companies. I developed what was billed as the first ever symposium on "Online Research to develop High Technology Companies," where I featured my work at the UofU launching and expanding Utah's high technology companies, at the University of Colorado, in 1990, using Dialog Information System's data bases, the precursors to the internet.
I was a Partner in a Strategic Planning firm, which was headed by Craig Hickman, author of the national best-seller, "Creating Excellence." My recent work is in using my strategy, market forecasting and financial economics skills. Due to industry regulations, I am prohibited from telling you about my current work, as this web site would then be subject to regulatory review, sorry. My knowledge of these matters is broad and extensive, regardless of if we agree about all or any of my conclusions about what the world is facing. Given this background, I am very interested in helping students plan for redesigning the future to be a world driven by renewable energies, sustainable, and more humane, even in the face of a likely global collapse, which I don't think many people can even imagine, and sadly, the end of all species.
I would value greatly having critiques that further develop my work, and include any critiques in my forthcoming book, from students, professors and other scientists, that would like their critiques published in my forthcoming book and/or on this web site. I will be glad to respond to all serious critiques, and to publish summaries of these critiques. This includes serious critiques from the radical right, to the extent that they are structured in an academic nature, like this. Feel free to use "Presidential" terminology, like I try to do, to spice up your writing, and to release a bit of the tension associated with this debate.
I am interested in any debates on these topics, and in doing presentations to University and College groups, in particular, but community groups, in general. All I request is covering my travel and related expenses, and I am very willing to stay at professor's homes.
It certainly is a bit like David, trying to kill Goliath, in fact, many Goliaths, with trillions and trillions of dollars! But, better to go out at least trying, and who knows, I more than anyone, hope that I am wrong about the species level extinction risk, and the belief that it is already to late, as it is impossible to transition the world to solar and wind, before falling off Hubbert's Cliff.
I was in an one act play competition group in high school. The lead, portraying Nobel Laurette, Elie Wiesel, and his story of being in the Nazi Concentration Camps, at Auschwitz. We took second in the state of Michigan, and telling my, "Elie's," story of watching my family, and ultimately, my Dad, go off to the gas chambers, crying so deeply, along with all of the audience, so many times over the school year, really touched my soul in a very unique way.
In my own way, I am trying to stop the world from "going quietly into the night!" Watching, in my opinion, the rich and powerful drive the world obsessively off these many cliffs, that they have created, due to their insatiable greed for money and power! The Book "Night" is what we used to tell "Elie's" story. My story, is that all my life, see my bio, I have tried in various ways, to help the world transition to a renewable energy, humane, and sustainable future.
I believe that the most humane, Christ like, societies, that would meet the Matthew: 25 test of "what ever you do to the least of my brothers," and so too the humanist test of developing a humane society, are the "best of the best," of the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweeden), small to medium sized market socialist countries (market incentives, pricing and asset allocation, without monopolies, the corporate state, plutocrats, or excessive government, free health care, education and retirement funding, and less risk of creating massive military industrial complexes), with most products and services provided by small to medium sized, owner and employee, owned and run companies, without the MM (royalty, centimillionaires and billionaires). I believe in a 100% inheritance tax above $100 million per family, which would affect roughly 5,000 families globally on a planet of over 7.3 billion people, of which all may die horrific deaths within roughly the next 100 years, if these arguments are correct, as a result of their insane greed and enormous plutocratic powers. I am not sure this is the type of freedom you want to give mostly psychopath and sociopath EMM&MS, especially at the very real risk of the total extinction of the species.
Being blunt, this economic structure, I believe, is the best way to control men's, and now even women's, insatiable, and in most cases evil and insatiable, testosterone driven greed for money, power, and sex, while motivating most people, and honoring Christ's command for getting into Heaven (Matthew: 25). I will continue this effort to try to get the world to TransitioNOW to a renewable energy, sustainable, humane society, until I face my Loving God and am fulfilled in God's love for eternity!
How's that for my opinion on "what is going to happen," "what should happen," a few paragraphs on "planning for the coming hell on earth," and the opening "what I believe the God of Love, Jesus, inspired me to say." If I am correct, what should happen, will not! It is THE END! Prepare your lives, your families, and most importantly, your soul NOW!
Michelangelo - The David
Michelangelo, and especially his work, The David, have always been a major inspiration for me. I hope that this overview of The David and Michelangelo's life inspires you as well.
![]() Primary Objectives and Thesis [1] New Additions Happy New Year - 2017 The Beginning of "THE END TIMES!" Prepare Your Souls! Prepare Yourselves! 2016 - Climate Science, Climate Data and the Reign of Emperor King Trumpet Confirm "It is THE END!" Rejoice and Be Glad - The END of EVIL! The end of the Tyranny of the Truly Good People by the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their Legions of Brainwashed and Brain Dead Lunatic Supporters! Your thoughtful ideas and comments are appreciated, along with links to suggested videos, documentaries, presentations, books and articles to include on this site. I welcome speaking engagement and debate opportunities. My email is [email protected]. For My Loving God, your love, peace, enlightenment, wisdom and strength, has helped me in my life long quest to fulfill "your will, not mine." It has been the passion of my life, to first try to save our species from the ravages of over population, insane greed, peak energy, climate change, pollution, nuclear and other and related problems. It is now my passion to help people understand the likely economic and environmental hell that the greedy have inflicted on the world, not you, how to prepare for the likely end of our species, and to find their way home to eternal life with you. I pray that I will be an instrument of your love, and help many find their way home. (non-investment ideas only[1]) With Love, Jim! CAUTION: THE CONTENTS OF THIS WEB SITE ARE FOR ADULTS ONLY, WHO ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING VERY SERIOUS IDEAS THAT MAY HAVE INTENSE EMOTIONAL IMPACTS. The God of Love is serious about this, non-adults, this is not your site, click away NOW! People with emotional challenges, this is NOT your site, click away NOW! Please! This is NOT a site to be read by all. Seriously, my wife can't handle this information and she is a strong person. If you find you can't handle this information, check back, I will have my Planning Strategies page finished soon. These are the critical ideas for personal, family and group planning (non-investment ideas only) to consider to prepare for the coming Global Deflationary Great Depression (2020-2035), followed, if I am correct, by a Global Inflationary Great Depression and "Hell on Earth," (starting 2030-2040 on) to the end of all species on Planet Titanic. To my loving very right wing family, friends and visitors. If you find that the God of Love has brought you here, but you can't stomach my liberal ranting and views on climate change, you may just want to skip to the page, The Critical Forces and Factors. Then go down to the four presentations by Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, about the massive risks he sees if we do not TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, before falling off Hubbert's Peak, or as I call it, Hubbert's Cliff. You can take his advice, and help us transition the world to solar and wind in the private sector, as he implores us to, with the combined effort of the Manhattan Project, WWII and the space race, combined! Just skip the rest of the presentation, as it logically leads to the same primary solution, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind! If you want to be politically active from a right wing perspective, contact him, and have him guide you! I would welcome helping you as well, but you may have to stomach my liberal political views, and views about climate change! "It Is THE END" PRIMARY OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of this website are:
"It Is THE END" PRIMARY THESIS The primary arguments of this website are that ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, primarily driven by China, India, and now, Emperor King Trumpet's insanely aggressive carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will cause accelerating anthropogenic climate change / global warming and ultimately cause a meaningful amount of the estimated up to 10,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, and the roughly 1,580 gigatons under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases. "Dr. Natalia Shakhova, head of the US-Russia Methane Study at the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, who travels and works the East Siberian Sea who is most alarmed." Artic Methane Emergency: Methane Released By The Gigaton! (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Artic Methane Emissions Study: Emissions Significantly Increased Since 2014! (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Dr. Shakhova believes that a 50 plus gigaton general release is in the process of happening NOW! This would increase the 5 gigaton global atmospheric burden of methane by roughly 10 times. This one event, a 50 gigaton general release of methane hydrates, may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from around 400 ppm, to 800-1,000 ppm according to the video above! OMG!!!!!!! Now think of what this means, regardless of if we are in a 50 Gigaton general release now, or not. The critical point is that the temperature of water over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) is getting to a level where the amount of methane being released is rising rapidly. Hence, the subsequent rise in release of methane hydrates is likely to increase at an increasing rate (2nd derivative is positive and increasing) and at an exponential rate, due to the fact that increasingly larger areas are likely to warm, in the near future, to this critical temperature level where the methane hydrates are released in hundred plus gigaton massive general releases. There are an estimated, up to 10,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles, embeded in the up to 12 miles deep of sedimentary drape, of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), through the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, and the roughly 1,580 gigatons under the Siberian and arctic tundra, to be released in large general releases. Are you beginning to now think "OMG - It Is THE END!?" You should be! Events like the steep drop in arctic ice in November 2016, will have significant impacts on dropping the time before the artic ice will be gone. I expect many such extreme drops as the artic goes ice free, so I expect that the guesstimates of totally ice free by 2030 may be optimistic. When the artic is totally ice free, the water temperature is expected to rise rapidly and significantly, I argue facilitating 100 plus gigaton releases of methane hydrates, and the release of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page "Why It Is THE END!" Estimates are that the arctic will be ice free in the next few years, which is less than 1 million square miles of ice, and likely completely ice free by 2030. I argue that this will heat up the estimated up to 10,400 gigatons of methane hydrates in the roughly 1.2 million square miles of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS - Dr. Natalia Shakhova), and the roughly 1,580 gigatons under the Siberian and arctic tundra, and result in hundreds of gigatons of methane releases by 2030-2050. These numbers do not even take into account the carbon and methane releases around the rest of the arctic, and around the globe. Add to this the rising carbon loads from China, India, and King Trumpet's methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven economic growth objectives and policies. This process is likely to result in rapid jumps in global atmospheric carbon and methane burdens, and most importantly, global mean temperatures, sea level rises and super storms, I argue, by 2030 to 2050. If this does not send a chill down your spine, you are either one of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, or their braindead lunatics, or you just simply do not have any understanding of what this event could be a catalyst of - "It Is THE END!" - in my opinion, of course!! The second video above is on Dr. Natalia Shakhova and Dr. Igor Semiltov's research proving that methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) through the Laptev Sea have significantly increased since 2011-2014! These methane releases will continue to escalate as global warming continues heat up the planet, and this will be the most significant driving force feedback loop, ongoing methane releases from this region, on the planet. Methane has up to 86 times the impact on global warming, compared to carbon, in the 20 year time period. It is like taking a "blow torch" to the planet! It is not if these releases of methane hydrates will increase and result in the demise of the species, in my opinion, it is how rapidly will this occur! Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice (click here for full screen, then close new screen to return). The newest MOST IMPORTANT videos on this site!
Combine these findings that the ESAS may be in a 50 gigaton general release of methane, which may increase the atmospheric burden of carbon from just over 400 ppm to 800-1,000 ppm, with the findings of the next video "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice," that most of Antarctica melted during the Pliocene period, 2.58-5.3 million years ago, when the atmospheric burden of methane was similar to today, around 375-450 ppm. This melting of Antarctica occurred when the global mean temperatures were only 3-4C above the pre-industrial average. We just hit 1.57C above the preindustrial average in February 2016! "Antarctica: Secrets Beneath the Ice" also documents that during the Pliocene period sea levels rose by as much as 60 feet! Combine these findings, with those of Hansen, et al, that: "The modeling, paleoclimate evidence, and ongoing observations together imply that 2 ◦C global warming above the preindustrial level could be dangerous. Continued high fossil fuel emissions this century are predicted to yield (1) cooling of the Southern Ocean, especially in the Western Hemisphere; (2) slowing of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, warming of the ice shelves, and growing ice sheet mass loss; (3) slowdown and eventual shutdown of the Atlantic overturning circulation with cooling of the North Atlantic region; (4) increasingly powerful storms; and (5) nonlinearly growing sea level rise, reaching several meters over a timescale of 50–150 years." In a nutshell, that only a 2C rise over pre-industrial average global mean temperatures, could cause sea levels to rise by 6 feet, and super storms that moved thousand ton boulders around! I argue that this limited of a rise in sea levels and super storms, may implode and explode many of the ocean based nuclear reactors, unleashing "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," which I detail on the page Why It Is THE END. Hansen's recent article "Young People's Burden: Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions," (Oct 4, 2016) provides a good overview of Dr. Hansen's views on the current state of climate change, along with the history of temperature change, and sea level rise, versus historical norms. Where I differ with Dr. Hansen, is that I agree with Dr. Guy McPherson and Dr. Paul Beckwith, that the rate of change of all of these variables, most importantly, methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, through the Barent's Sea, is rising at an unprecedented rate, and this is likely to increase global mean temperatures in leaps, like was witnessed in 2016, followed by leaps in ice melt, like the potential of the glaciers melt accelerating behind Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, followed by leaps in sea level rise and super storms. As there is no precedence of this level of rapid rise in carbon and methane in the historical record, it is anyone's best guess, as to how rapidly temperature rise, then ice melt, will accelerate sea level rise and super storms. My belief, it is much sooner than even Jim Hansen believes, but not as quickly as Guy McPherson believes! I also believe that we are past the "tipping point," which Dr. Hansen does not believe we are, where even the radical changes that I suggest on this web site, including TransitioNOW to Wind and Solar and the other TransitioNOW Objectives will save the species. As Hansen argues in this paper, the young must move to negative CO2 growth, something that I believe will never occur, due to China and India's growth objectives, and those of the Trump Administration, combined with the interests of the fossil fuel industries. Further, I believe that when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, running out of cheap fossil fuels, which I believe will be in the thirties, I believe that the world will primarily transition to hard fossil fuel and methane hydrates production, versus primarily solar and wind. Further, I disagree with Dr. Hansen's belief in IV generation, or advanced nuclear, as a sound solution. If these videos and Hansen's article, does not make you shiver and think - "OMG It Is THE END!" By the time you get through even a small portion of this web site, considering my arguments that NO studies consider all, or even a meaningful number, of The Forces and Factors insuring It Is The End, and none consider the possibility that sea level rise, combined with super storms, may implode and explode the ocean based nuclear reactors, sending fallout from these nuclear disasters up to the ESAS, it should! As Dr. Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics, University of Cambridge, states when asked "Do you think civilization can survive a 50 gigaton release of methane?" "No I don't think it can!" Dr. Wadhams notes that although the IPCC's recent forecast is for 4C warming by 2100, they don't tell you the dire consequenses of such a warming. I detail on The Critical Forces and Factors page, how even though the IPCC forecasts a 4C rise by 2100, they do so not even taking into account any of "the critical driving forces and factors insuring the death of homogreedious" that I detail on this page, notably the current and future methane releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) and the Siberian and arctic tundra, and especially, not what I expect willl be "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The IPCC forecasts a 4C rise in global mean temperatures by 2100 not considering any of The Critical Forces and Factors, that I detail on the page of this title. Hence why I believe it will be 3-5C rise in global mean temperatures by 2050, and a 7-10C rise by 2100. Dr. Ira Leifer, Atmospheric Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara, December 2013, states "Some scientists are indicating we should make plans to adapt to a 4C hotter world. While prudent, one wonders what portion of the population could adapt to such a world. My view, is it is jus a few thousand people seeking refuge in the arctic or Antarctica!" Note the graph of "Predicted Drought Conditions 2090-2099," which I believe will be by 2030-2050 in the US. Most of the US is severe drought, except around The Great Lakes, hence my suggestion to move to this area by 2030. If it still doesn't make you think "OMG It Is THE END," just keep following this site, as I am quite positive, you will see the horrors of abrupt anthropogenic climate change and over population, documented on this site, more rapidly each year! The combination of ongoing fossil fuel driven population and economic growth, combined with these likely massive general releases of methane hydrates, I argue, may cause global mean temperatures to continue to skyrocket, like they did the last two years (2015-2016), rising to 3-5C above the 18th Century pre-industrial average, by 2030-2050. This may cause sea levels to rise by up to 60 feet, while generating super storms. The combination of significant sea level rises and super storms may ultimately cause the implosion and explosion of many of the hundreds of ocean based nuclear reactors by mid-century. What will happen if these nuclear reactors implode and explode, the videos and articles on the page "Why It Is THE END" explain the likely impact of the meltdown of these ocean based nuclear reactors. I argue that the fall-out from the Asian ocean based nuclear reactors will flow up to Alaska, going ultimately to the Arctic Circle and on to the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), ultimately over to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, accelerating the number and size of these potential general releases of methane hydrates into the atmosphere. This may facilitate further sea level rises and even larger super storms, resulting in an ongoing continuation of this reinforcing feedback loop that I term "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." The result of "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will cause the extinction of the human race (homogreedious) by 2116, plus or minus 50 years. The risks of this potential rapid methane release is increased significantly due to the melting of the Arctic ice, which for November 2016 has just shattered all prior records for the lowest amount of sea ice in the Arctic in November by large amounts. When the Arctic becomes ice free, the result will be a rapid rise in the water temperatures over these massive stores of methane hydrates from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), to the Laptev, Kara and Barents Seas, which may result in enormous general releases of these massive stores of methane hydrates, which I argue, may result ultimately in the imploding and exploding of all ocean based nucleaar reactors - "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop's Apex." The collapse of societies globally, may result in the implosion and explosion of the land based nuclear reactors. The combination of these events, I argue, may be the death of all species on Planet Titanic! "It Is THE END!" The final argument is that with the rise of King Trumpet to reign the World's biggest carbon and methane polluting Evil Plutocratic Fascist Racist Empire per person, by large amounts, it has sealed the death of the species. The carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies that King Trumpet is proposing and soon will be implimenting, I argue, insure the absolute demise of the species rapidly. I further argue that a faster demise of the species is more desirable, in my opinion, than the lame policies of Queen Billary (BS), which would have put off the pain and suffering for a short period of time, but ultimately would extended the ultimate pain and suffering. The good news is that some of the WWII, and quite certainly, the Baby Boom, Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatic supporters may live to see the ravages of what their "infinate growth - climate denial," "unsustainable and in no way humane (with the exception of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark)," climate, environmental, political and economic positions - nothing but B.S. (billions) for the Billionaires, all for us none for the rest, insane greed and environmental destruction policies and objectives, ultimately cause their children and grandchildren to suffer. Only the radical TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind on the planet using the ideas that I present on this website, or similar policies that transition most of the planet rapidly to solar and wind, and fulfillment of the other TransitioNOW Objectives, have a "prayers chance in Hell" of saving the species. King Trumpet is sending the US and world radically toward higher and higher methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, insuring a more rapid rise in "hell on earth," and the more rapid demise of the species. On the positive side, I argue that the easy fiscal, tight monetary; all for us, none for the rest (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations); insane greed and environmental destruction to the death of all species policies of Emperor King Trumpet will insure a more rapid collapse of the global economy by the 2nd to 3rd year of his Administration, if not much sooner. This will result, in my opinion, in a Global Deflationary Great Recession by this time period. These policies, it is argued, will balloon the US fiscal gap from over $200 trillion, for the same reasons that they did under King Dickie and his puppett, GW, to near $300 trillion, by 2030. These driving forces, along with laying off of thousands to hundreds of thousands of government workers, trade wars, global aging, the collapse of global asset bubbles, global fear and declining consumer, business and investor confidence will drive the US and Global Economies into a much more dire Global Deflationary Great Depression by the end of his Administration, or by 2025, at the latest. This will have the slightly positive effect of offsetting some of Emperor King Trumpet's radically aggressive methane and carbon intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth efforts and policies. Hopefully, this will extend the time to when the world starts runing out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off "Hubbert's Cliff." The world will transition to an Inflationary Global Great Depression, in my opinion, when the world falls off "Hubbert's Cliff." I argue that this is likely in the thirties. Will Trump's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, policies and growth objectives increase or decrease the time where it "Falls off Hubbert's Cliff?" Initially, I thought that the potentially more rapid demise of the US and Global economies into a Deflationary Great Recession, then to a Deflationary Great Depression, would cause fossil fuel use, and hence, carbon levels to drop, like 2008/9. However, it is unclear if this will be the case, or if Emperor King Trumpet's carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, growth objectives and policies, will escalate fossil fuel use to try to offset the impacts of his "all for the top 0.1%, none for the rest" policies, and hence, carbon growth sooner. As we have no way to "test" the alternative to what will happen, this will remain unanswered. I argue that abrupt anthropogenic climate related changes: like
The rise of "once in a century storms," such as winter storms like Jonas, Argos and Jupiter, extreme flooding like the Lousiana flooding, record breaking wildfires, and horrific hurricanes like Sandy, Super Typhoon Haiyan, and Katrina, may not only become "the new normal," I argue, that these will escallate to "super storms" the likes of which the world has not seen for thousands, to hundreds of thousands of years, and ultimately millions of years! As Hansen et al, argue, as little of a 2C rise has caused sea levels to rise by 6 feet or more, and super storms that move thousand ton boulders around. I expect that these super storms and sea level rises will escallate meaningfully by 2020-2030, and horrifically, by 2030-2050! Hence, the world is in, I argue, the most abrupt climate change, this time anthropogenic (human caused), that the world has ever seen, by a large number of metrics and growing! I argue that rapid sea level rise and the rise of super storms, expanding deserts, flooding, wildfires, and the legion of other horrific climate and over population related impacts, notably pandemics and viruses, will accelerate rapidly between 2030-2050. How many of these will be unleashed on the world by the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts will be the question. Hence, why I believe that they will unleash many, to try in a last ditch effort to save the planet for themselves, at the expense of the billions of the good people and their legions of lunatic supporters. The horrors of a global economic deflationary Great Depression, due to the insane greed and environmental destruction policies of the Evil Wrong (they will come in My Name and unleash hell on earth, for the insane greed of the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to the death of all my children); will combine with the horrors of runninng out of cheap fossil fuels, falling off of "Hubbert's Cliff;" and the horrors of runaway anthropogenic climate change in the thirties, facilitating "hell on earth," until the demise of all species. These driving forces will cascade the world economic, environmental, health and climate conditions rapidly, causing the death of billions by mid century. On a positive note: we now have a TV show that is always exciting to watch, and is getting more exciting weekly - The Weather Channel! Just love the show "Extreme Weather Events," it gets much more thrilling each and every episode! But don't worry - "It's just Cyclical!" But the cycles of once in a century storms, floods, wildfires, etc. seem to be happening every week, around the whole world NOW! Oh don't worry, Donnie is going "To Make America Great Again," by forcing the US and the world to embrace highly carbon and methane intensive, fossil fuel driven, economic growth and policies, which will insure the more rapid demise of the species! See how smart he is, he learned it all in the "school of more BS (billions) for the Billionaires!" So just sit back and enjoy the "Hell on Earth" World Future that few can, or would any sane person want to, imagine. I can assure you, that Emperor King Donald is about to accelerate this demise of our people and the world! My suggestion - prepare your souls, prepare yourselves! The only two remaining questions: 1) the timing of each of the stages of the demise of all species, which I present my views, and 2) can the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and remaining lunatics, survive "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," followed logically by another ice age? My bet is the death of all species by sometime the first half of the next century (2100 to 2150), ending in the demise of even the most prepared Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts. However, it would be nice if the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts that survive the longest would suffer the insane pain and suffering of the nuclear waste land of Planet Titanic for a few hundred years, as the radiation poisioining should last for many hundreds of years, before going to Hell for Eternity to experience this intense pain and suffering for all of eternity! Who would want a species to survive that has insurred the horrific death of the trillions of God's children and species, of which only hell can compare, for the insane, Insatiable, EVIL GREED AND AVARICE of the top 2,000 Money Monster familiies, primarily the top 50 families, and Money Sluts within 150 years of getting their evil mits on cheap fossil fuels anyway!? Especially when the most likely ones to survive are the most Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts! Talk about "Insane and Evil Adverse Selection!" These horrific global conditions, in my opinion, will worsen rapidly the second half of the century, due primarily to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop!" These forces will insure "Hell On Earth," making Planet Titanic into a nuclear waste land by the end of the century. The final outposts of the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and a few of their remaining lunatics, with a few possible patches of "survivalists," will likely be in Antarctica, and possibly, New Zeland. The last remaining vestages of homogreedious above the Equator are likely to be around The Great Lakes, due to the massive fresh water reserves, and as a result of Niagra Falls, protecting the Great Lakes from flooding and the potenitally rapidly rising radition filled ocean water, due to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," and due to the abundent fish, wild life, farm animals and farm land. As it takes an estimated 60 years to decommission a nuclear reactor, at a cost of $500 million or more, and because I do not believe their is any chance of encasing these huncreds of nuclear reactors in super structures in time, it is too late to stop this species extinction level feedback loop. Therefore, the final argument is that there is nothing that the world can do to save the species, "It Is THE END!" The beast, male homogreedious, I argue, is simply incapable of controlling his testostorone driven insatiable, insane, and even, evil greed for money, power and sex. Male homogreedious' insatiable greed for money, power and sex, I argue, is the root cause of most of the world's current and historical problems, and now the primary driving force behind the extinction of the species, all species! Therefore, I argue, male homogreedious is terminally flawed, and female homogreedious is trying hard to catch up! The only notable exceptions to this pathology of basic need obsession; insatiable, insane, evil greed for money, power and sex, appear to occur in the native cultures, due to their respect for mother nature; the scientific community, due to their respect for science; and, the Nordic/Scandinavian countries, due to a number of cultural characteristics, that I will detail latter. On a humorous note, I argue that if the God of Love would have dropped the amount of testosterone released in the hypothalamus in the brain during pre-natal development of male homogreedious by 70-90%, the world would have been filled with 1/2 women, and the other 1/2 wishing they were women! However, at least it would have achieved the level of "sustainable," as the world would be a sustainable matriarchal planet, versus a rapidly dying patriarchal planet! If these women and "want to be women," were Scandinavian / Nordic women, native women, or science focused women, the world may well be both "sustainable" and "humane," the best of the best of the Nordic Countries, notably Denmark! The physical deminsion is terminally flawed as well. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts get most of the wealth, power, and income of Planet Titanic, as they are willing to do anything to the good people, the masses, and their legions of lunatic supporters to satisfy their insatiable greed for money, power and sex. The truly good people that stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, are fleeced, raped and pillaged by these evil beasts. So the physical dimension is termanilly flawed as well. These two terminal flaws insure - "It Is THE END!" From a humanistic psychology perspective, having read all of the writings of the father of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, during my university years, I argue that homogreedious is "basic need" obsessed, and at the lowest level of human development ever seen on Planet Titanic. Although the most technologically advanced, to insure the demise of the species - all species - given the extensive knowledge of climate change, climate data, over population related demographic data, global aging, and peak energy, all for the greed of a few thousand billionaires and centimillionaire families, and a few hundred thousand corporate mercenaries, in my view, confirms that the beast, the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their legions of brainwashed and brain dead lunatics, have degraded to the lowest level of "basic need obsession," insane and insatiable greed for money, power and sex, ever seen on Planet Titanic! As Thomas Piketty, author of "Capital in the 21st Century" states, the distribution of wealth and income in the US is more extreme, based on his research, than at any other time, and in any other country, on Planet Titanic! The Money Monsters that are planning on "depopulating" the planet, killing billions, to save the planet for themselves, are the most sick, evil beasts the world has ever seen. The Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, I argue, are mostly psychopaths and sociopaths, without any remorse of how they have raped, fleeced, pillaged, churned and burned billions for their billions, or how they have insurred the death of all the species for their insane and insatiable greed. David and Charles Koch, in my opoinion, are clasic psychopaths, as evidenced in the book Dark Money. While their father and family members, Fred, Erich and Ilse Koch, in my opinion, are classic sociopaths. The Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Olins, Safies, the billionaires in the book Dark Money, etc., etc. are the same types of insanely sick Money Monsters. They are so sick, that their only concern is filling up their "life boats," with trillions and trillions more, to provide for their survival when Planet Titanic sinks! Many may be planning on killing billions, the "depopulation agenda," to provide for their own survival. I argue that these sick, evil people have always amased the greatest amount of wealth, as a result of their willingness to fleece, rape, pillage, churn and burn the billions for their billions, and hence, why a 100% inheritance tax per family, on over $100 million in family wealth, was critical to the survival of Planet Titanic. Too late now! These Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Slut psychopaths and sociopaths, have debased the very fiber of our society, debasing the educational system, government, business, arts and entertainment industries, every part of our society, forcing the world into the most horrific Dark Ages, yet to be seen on Planet Titanic for their insane greed. A read of the books "Dark Money," and "Death of the Liberal Class," provides a good summary of how they have debased every part of our society, to a society of BS (billions) for the Billionaires, to the death of all species! Just like the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts did when the actual Titanic sank, they kept the masses from getting in their lifeboats, when the lifeboats could hold hundreds of more people safely. Most of these Evil Monsters and Sluts went insane after they survived, knowing that their greed caused the death of hundreds of others that could have been saved safely, if it were not for their insane greed. I argue that most of the surviving Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their remaining lunatics will go insane when Planet Titanic sinks, just like many of the survivors of Titanic did. "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop," I argue, will insure their horrific deaths after the rest of us have perished. Then, if I am correct, they will spend eternity in hell feeling the horrific pain and suffering that they have damned all of us to suffer for their insane, insatiable, evel greed for money, power and sex! Hope it was worth it! From a religious perspective, I argue, that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts have sold their souls to "Satin, The King of Greed for Money, Power and Sex!" They are Satin's Warriors, most dressed up in "Sunday go to meeting clothes" to hide their true evil greed and avarice! The legions of "false religious" organizations, I argue, are, and always have been, institutes of brainwashing and false forgiveness for these Evil Monsters and Money Sluts, and their legions of lunatic supporters. As Christ went into detail about after thrashing the "Money Changers" in the Temple, they will suffer an even more horrific eternity for turning His children to Satin in His name. I also argue that the Religious Right, are the "Evil Wrong," that Christ said would come in his name, insuring a death that only hell can compare with, for the bottom 99% (the least of His brothers), for the insane, insatiable, evil greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts, most of the top 1%. Christ himself, was incapable of changing the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatic supporters with His walk on earth. In fact, as the story goes, they whipped, flogged, thrashed, and tortured Him. They then placed a crown of thorns on his head, and crucified him for standing against them! I can assure you that having been raped, fleeced and pillaged - from "sea to shining sea" - since 1980 during my academic work, and by each and every firm that I have ever worked at, and by every male and the couple female, Money Monsters and Money Sluts, that I have had the displeasure to work with and for. It still happens daily and in so many ways you would not even believe or imagine, to those of us who truly bear Christ's cross, and stand against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts insatiable, insane and evil greed for more money, power and sex, in an attempt to save the least fortunate (the least of my brothers). Hence, I believe, why in the Beatitudes, Jesus states (Matthew: 5:3-10): "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I would be foolish to expect that I can change the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts myself, and get them to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives! Obviously even my intellectual mentors and heros in population analysis (economic demography), like Jorgen Randers (2052), Dena and Dennis Meadows (The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning), and Lester Brown (World on the Edge, The Great Transition,; my entellectual mentors in abrupt climate change: Guy McPherson, Natalia Shakhova and Igor Semiletov, Paul Beckwith, Robert Scribler, Peter Wadhams, Jim Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Tom Hartman program, Stuart Scott (, to name a few; not to mention my mentors in peak energy, M. King Hubbert, Richard Heinberg (all the Post Carbon Institute fellows,, Al Bartlett and Roscoe Bartlett, and so many others; the progressive political commentators and politicians: Noam Chomskey (MIT, Who Rules the World), Chris Hedges (The Death of the Liberal Class), Sheldon Wollen (Princeton, Democracy, Inc), Jane Mayer (Dark Money), Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, and President Barack Obama; and my intellectual mentors in "global aging" and the "fiscal gap," Lawrence Kotlikoff and Scott Burns (The Clash of Generations, and The Coming Generational Storm) have had a relatively insignificant impact on getting the US to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and the other TransitioNOW Objectives, compared to the radical change that was critical to save the species, all species! In fact, I argue, that this was due to the Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts billions and billions of dollars of brainwashing money, and buying off of Congress and all branches of our government, by the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the other Evil Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, which is detailed in the book Dark Money! Not only have they insured the demise of our country, they have insured the extinction of the species, they have insured the extinction of all species! Most other countries have adopted the prior climate accords, and efforts to realize that their are "Limits to Growth" and that this is our "Final Warning!" Just not the US, due to the Evil Wrong Dark Money Monsters, Money Sluts, and their legions of brainwashed and braindead supporters! Although I am a big fan of President Obama, and appreciate his comments on being active in our failed democracy. What as a student and teacher of political economics, having taught "Comparative Economic Systems" at University of Nevada Reno, I classify as a Racist Fascist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, or as Sheldon Wollen (Princeton) calls it an "Inverted Totalitarianism" society. If you read the book "Dark Money," or do a review of critiques by Chris Hedges (Chris Hedges: Trump will Crush Dissent with even Greater Violence, and "Death of The Liberal Class,)" and Noam Chomsky on our failed democracy, you should get an idea of why many of us who have been fleeced, raped and pillaged all of our careers and academic lives for trying to save our Evil Empire from the Evil Money Monsters, Monsey Sluts and their legions of brainwashed and braindead lunatic supporters, why many of us would not consider running for office. Nor would most of the people that you may want in office, be able to support running for office. As one of my professors put it "if they can get into a position of power, you don't want them in a position of power!" Or another of my other favorite professorial quotes: "the only difference between the two political parties is that Republicans are too stupid to realize, if you choke the goose that lays the golden eggs too hard for too long, you will kill it! While the Democrats are at least smart enough to realize "that you have to at least keep the goose barley alive, or it stops laying golden eggs!" The Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatic supporters insure that the good candidates, are not able to acquire much wealth or income. Just take a look at the world's Centimillionaaires and Billionaires, roughly 12,000 people, 3,000 families, with the top 50 controlling the others! 95% of the top .1% that control the world, are Racist Fascist, Plutocratic, Corporate Mercenary Controlled, Money Monsters and Money Sluts. Always have been, always will be! And, if you really get down to "Who Controls the World," in my opinion it is mostly the top 30 active billionaire families, with a very high concentration of power with the Rothchilds, and a few select other active billionaires. As with the Koch Family, it is well known that a significant portion of their net worth was acquired due to very evil activities. The rare exception to these basic characteristics of most societies, are the Nordic countries, some native tribes, and to some degree, the scientific / ecology types of people. Plus, believe me, you have no idea of how often and how much those that stand against the Evil in our society are trashed, rapped and pillaged daily! The way the Koch Brothers, the Kochtapus and the billionaires in the book Dark Money, have trashed progressive political candidates, denigrating them based on false information. Along with the way they have funded the brainwashing of their brain dead lunatic supporters of their Fascist Racist society, is just the beginning of why the "good people" do not want to pursue politics. The Money Monsters and Money Sluts have hijacked our democracy, yet again, and christened King Trumpet, Emperor of the Fascist Racist Plutocratic Corporatocracy Empire, insuring the rapid death of all species! However, if I can help save a few souls and make the lives of some good people more barable in the coming "hell on earth," then my hope is that I have fulfilled my Father's wishes that I do "His will, not mine." I argue that the Evil Wrong (Religious Right), the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS (Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street) Fascists Racists, are the greatest TERRORIST organization that has ever existed on Planet Titanic. It is argued that they did 9/11 (, that they bombed the Pentagon two days after Donald Rumsfeld was videoed at the Pentagon asking about the $2.3 trillion in unaccounted spending of the Pentagon, right where the evidence was kept. I argue that they should still be tried for these war crimes against out country, and if found guilty, punished accordingly. I argue that they blew up the asset/financial markets in 2000, and again, in 2005-2007, stuffing their "life boats" with trillions, and then collapsed these markets. They then bailed themselves out with trillions of our tax payor dollars, stuffing their pockets even further. Instead of being given billions of dollars of bonuses for these evil acts, they should have been, and still should be, tried for these offenses against our failed democracy, our Racist Fascists Plutocracy. I argue that the buying off of the Congress by Charles and David Koch, the Kochtapus and the billionaires featured in the book "Dark Money," is evidence of horrific abuse of our failed democracy, spawned by the "Citizens United" decision. I argue that they now own and control our Racist Facists Plutocracy, having bought off most of Congress. As one of their own, Bill Buckley, called Charles Koch, a "totalitarian libertarian," or as I refer to him, the Evil King Charlie and Evil King David! I argue that they should be tried for abuses to our failed democracy, a Racist Fascist Plutocracy, and if found guilty, punished accordingly. I argue that the Dark Money Monsters and Money Sluts, the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists, the fossil fuel industries, should be tried for lying about the extreme risks of fossil fuels, their product, to accelerating global warming and abrupt climate change, and thereby, causing the death of billions of people, and ultimately, all species of the world! Like the tobacco, and other product liability cases, the Fossil Fuel / War / Oil Lords should be tried for lying to the public about the extreme risk of using their product to the health of the world. If found guilty, I argue that they all should be bankrupted for their evil acts against our species, all species. Do not agree to any universal binding awards, as I am sure the likely impacts of their lies about fossil fuel driven abrupt climate change will escalate until the death of all species! What amount of financial awards could possibly compensate for the extinction of our species - all species!? Further, I argue that we should expect similar war and financial crimes by the Reigning Emperor, King Trumpet, and be ready, should he exact such war and financial crimes on our country, or release viruses or pandemics, to save the planet for the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, to bring him and the other Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts in his Administration to justice. Like the country should have done to the last group of Evil Wrong, Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Facists Racists that, in my opinion, did 9/11 (, took us into Iraq under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), allowed the wholesale fleecing of our country by the Fossil Fuel MIC/WS Fascists Racists (Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers), and then ballooned the financial markets, and bankrupted these Wall Street and financial companies. They made trillions ballooning these companies, I argue, then bankrupted them, bailing out these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, bankrupting their legions of brainwashed and braindead lunitic followers and the good people of our country, while causing the present value of future deficits of our country, the US "fiscal gap," to rise into the hundred of trillions of dollars. I argue that we should expect similar crimes against our country by King Trumpet, and should be ready to bring him and his Administration to justice, should they do this to us again, as I expect that they will! From a return on investment perspective, I argue, that the returns to these Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts are highly negative, given my belief that they will spend eternity in hell feeling the pain and suffering that they have damned the billions of God's children and trillions of God's species to suffer. Therefore, the only thing that exceeds their stupidy, is their greed, and the only thing to exceed their insane greed, will be the horrific pain and suffering that they will have to indure for eternity! Therefore, their "return on fleecing, raping, pillaging, churing and burning" God's trillions of children and species, I would argue, is insanely negative. So I complete my arguemnet, that they are horrific investors, when the implications of their insane and insatiable greed for money, power and sex are considered, to their well being over all eternity! The masses win - the classes are the big loosers! Just so you Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts do not get your hair in a tissy, given this portion of my writings, it is my attempt to reduce your eternal sentence in hell. A verbal tounge lashing, to try to get you to not make your hell even more horrific than it already is likely to be, and maybe try to plea bargin to reduce the horrific nature of your eternity in hell. A hell that even the most horrific nightmare or movie would not do justice to! As you have created a society of brainwashed and braindead lunatics that watch an event like 9/11, even with a page as detailed as, few even think of this event or question how 12 unskilled Islamic people could possibly do "the most sophisticated and complicated terrorist activity" ever executed, and it was done by our own Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts to us for their insane greed! So these blunt statements are ment to keep you from doing anything to make your eternity in hell more horrific, and should you really become the prodigal sons and daughters, to get you to embrace my advice to TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind and the other TransitioNOW Objectives on my site! Although I can't promise that embracing these NOW will save the species. I can certainly guarantee that it would save many of your Evil Money Monster, Money Sluts and leigons of lunatics souls, that are now facing a hell so horrific that no one could possibly imagine for ETERNITY! So take this as a "last call to save your evil souls!" On a positive note, since sitting in a year long doctoral symposium in political economics and a taking a graduate symposium in economic demography that same year, which resulted in a two year demographic impact study on the proposed land basing of the MX Nuclear Missle System (I would like to believe my study was the last straw that stopped this obviously insane nuclear weapons system pork belly project of Satin's Warriors), in 1979-80 as a sophomore at the University of Utah, I have believed that the world would end up, in my opinion, similar to the world portrayed in the movie Elysium, an over population driven wasteland, with the top 0.01% living in the modern day version of the walled city, not likely a space station. And, with the bottom 99.9% living in hell, not just the bottom 50%, like today. So the ravages of abrupt anthropogenic climate change driven massive methane releases, facilitating and then reinforcing the implosion and explosion the world's ocean based nuclear reactors, is saving the bottom 99.9% from generations living in "hell on earth." Alternatively, I have believed since 1980 that the species would likelly kill itself, due to the horrific consequences and impacts of nuclear power, combined with the insane and insatiable greed of the Money Monsters and Money Sluts. Ironic, how after these 37 brutal years, since 1980, of research, writing and standing against the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, I now believe I have the clearest view of how these Satinistic War / Oil / Wall Street Money Monsters and Money Sluts will cause the extinction of all species. It is also reassuring to feel that the Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts, whose insane, insatiable, evil greed and avaris is insuring the death of all species, plans to "depopulate" the planet, by killing off billions, so that they can have the planet to themselves, will not occur. From a religious perspective. Think of it, if you believe there is a "Logical God of Love," don't you think that God knows that the design of the planet was insuring that if the "beast," the Evil Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics, could not control their testosterone driven insatiable greed for money, power and sex, that the combination of methane hydrates and nuclear reactors, would cause the rapid extinction of the species? I do! So it was intellengently designed! Just not in the way that the purveyors of false religion, false economics, false politics, nothing but BS (billions) for the Billionaires Money Monsters, Money Sluts and their legions of lunatics believe! The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development The Strategy of Radical Peace, Love and Sustainable Development for the benefit of All of God's Children, People and Species! This is the Universal Logic of the God of Love! This is the only strategy that will ever win, it is the only strategy that will stop the death of homogreedious, and most, if not all, species. It is the strategy of the Universal Logic of the God of Love! God does not care about how you relate to the Love of God, only that you do relate to the God of Love. He does not care what you call Him, only that care to call on Him! He or She does not care how you love, or experience your spirituality in God's Love, only that you do experience your spirituality, regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, race, color, technicolor, or what ever! He made you the way you are! We now scientifically know that most of these differences are due to genetic conditions, and cultural conditioning and norms. Don't you think God knows this, and loves you "just the way you are in His Love!" The Universal Logic of God's Love sees "The Ultimate Goal of Life - To Be Your True Spirit in God's Love, that you will be in Heaven, on earth!" This should be your constant focus! God only wants you to experience your spirituality with The ONE - The God of Trans-Universal Love! God's Love that Transcends Universal, It Is The Spiritual Dimension! Not to embrace "the evil one" who thinks he is God, and is selling souls on the Universal Law of the Insatiable Greed of Satin, as being "God's Will!" The Religious Right are the Evil Wrong He said would come in His Name to the death of all species! He does not care how you experience your spirituality in His Love! Only that you do it often! He wants you to do this NOW, before you cause yourselves insane pain and suffering. He wants you to all work together and TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, and humane, God like, sustainable communities, where you use God's earth sustainably, responsibly, humanely, and do as He has asked. Do for "the least of His sisters and brothers." Forgive each other, and in fact, Love each other! This challenge will either result in TransitioNOW to God's world, or to Hell on Earth! You can't say He did not warn you! Take this as His warning! You have been told how, when, where and why "It Is THE END!" Plus He layed out how you might just be able to save the world. But only if you all work together in God's Love! And, TransitioNOW to Solar and Wind, Sustainable Living, and Loving each other, to save all of God's children, people and species everywhere! This is the Universal Logic of God's Love! This is the religion, where there is no religion, where their is only God's Love! The Spiritual Dimension! Heaven! Sadly, I believe that this challenge is beyond homogreedious. As a result, I fear and believe, it will be "Hell on Earth," and only then, will the good souls go to Heaven. While most of the EMM&MS will be sent to the place God made for the devil and his angels! However, the purpose of this work is to help as many make it into Heaven as possible, and to help as many as possible, suffer as little as possible. I certainly don't believe the EMM&MS will embrace this Universal Love and change the hell on earth, that their insatiable greed for money and power has destined the world to suffer, but the more people that do, God is happier! So let's all try to love each other, forgive each other, and help those in need! While we try to plan for the very challenging future, regardless of how you see the whole story. It will be very difficult, if the world does not radically TransitioNOW! to God's Love! Applying these simple, timeless, and universal principals of God's Love, will allow many of us to find God's Love for Eternity, and to live less horrific lives, as our species enters its final days on earth, "It Is THE END!" What hit me seeking fulfillment in God's love dreaming about being the next Thomas Aquinas in the Aquinas College Seminary, was that the human capability to explain in words, and science's capabilities to prove, the ultimate goal of this existence, Becoming Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love, will never occur. What is possible is to Be Your True Spirit in the Logical God of Love - NOW! As if yesterday God Revealed this to me. So I did! Now I am praying that you will too! God's Peace and Love Be With You, Jim Moultrup To fulfill this section's spiritual mission, I leave you with Professor J. Kroth's exceptional observations of "The Coming Disaster,' and becoming "The Spiritual Beautiful Wonderful Being that You Are - Right Now - In God's Love, that you will be for Eternity in Heaven!" I hope you found my work, so far, enlightening, inspiring, challenging, scary, and most of all, bringing you closer to "Your Spiritual Oneness with The God of Love!" MY FAVORITE PLACES TO SURVIVE HELL ON EARTH
The Three Largest Great Lakes: Michigan, Superior and Huron - My Favorite Place in the US and Canada to Weather "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff," and then "Hell on Earth" I saw a documentary, which I have yet to find again, which showed the future of the US and Canada, after radical climate change, with all of the population around the Great Lakes. The logic is that with climate change, most of the country will become either deserts in the West, South West, and bread basket states, or flooded. Much of Florida would be under water even with a three foot rise in sea levels. With up to a 60 foot rise in sea levels, as documented to have occurred during the Pliocene period, with even a 3-4C rise in global temperatures, when carbon levels were similar to today's levels, this would likely put Florida completely under water. Dr. Jim Hansen notes that when the global mean temperatures were 1C warmer than today, which I guesstimate will occur by 2030-2050, sea levels were 6 feet higher than today, which would bury most of Florida, over to New Orleans, and up most of the delta areas. My guesstimate for the 3-4C rise in global mean temperatures, and likely rise in sea levels by up to 60 feet, is 2050-2075. This would bury most of the coast around the country, including the low lying south east, central California, etc., etc. How fun, we can dive to Disney World in Orlando, and for advanced divers, you can go experience the Florida Keys like you never did before! See how positively I am taking this climate change thingy! All kinds of new dive sites, yeah! East coast cities, including New York City and most of the South Eastern states are likely to be under water and trashed by the combination of sea level increases and super storms. Most of the coastal cities around the country would likely be under water as well. If San Francisco builds a sufficiently high enough water barrier in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, which I trust they will, it may be the rare exception to this flooding, due to the mountains along the coast, except at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. Based on my forecasts, I expect that the world will be in this condition by 2050-2070. Where would people go? They would migrate around the Great Lakes for survival. I went to Petoskey High School, on Little Traverse Bay, on the north west shore of the southern peninsula of Michigan, on Lake Michigan. I plan on moving back to this area, when my wife retires around 2030. I trust that this will be one of the best places to be when the world falls off Hubbert's Cliff, and energy prices skyrocket, driving the world into a Global Inflationary Great Depression permanently, from a Global Deflationary Great Depression. This does not even consider the impacts of climate change causing people to migrate to this area. The area has abundant fresh water, wild life, fishing and farming, which I trust will be essential as climate change is making the wold mostly deserts and flooded areas, and running out of cheap energy, has skyrocketed the prices of everything, most importantly, these key essentials prices. The Great Lakes can't be flooded, due to Niagra Falls, so it is particularly strategic, both because they are the largest bodies of fresh water on the planet, and they can't be flooded. They have experienced significant droughts, however, the most recent was roughly a decade ago. As these are the largest bodies of fresh water, and there are significant numbers of small lakes surrounding these bodies of water, drying up, as in the West, South West, and bread basket states, is not nearly as likely. Plus, most of the areas around The Three Large Great Lakes (Michigan, Superior, and Huron) have the primary essentials for surviving hell on earth: water, wild life, fishing and farming. Being far inland, and not having any inflow from the oceans, will also be critical, as oceans become contaminated with radioactive materials, which I expect by the second half of this century, due to "The Radioactive Methane Monster Feedback Loop." See the next page, also be sure to watch Dr. Steve Hosea: The Perils of Fukushima. My favorite small towns are Petoskey, where I went to high school, and Traverse City, which is on Grand Traverse Bay. Ann Arbor, where University of Michigan is located, is my favorite city, which I think will be a key university working on modern farming by this time. Plus, there are many farming areas north of Ann Arbor, with many lakes as well. For those looking for currently more remote locations, consider the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, and Canadian borders of Lake Surperior and Lake Huron. PBS Freshwater Seas: The Great Lakes Transformation 2106, click here for full screen, then click box My Favorite Place to Be Until "Falling off Hubbert's Cliff" - Lake Tahoe Tahoe is a natural wonder, like few on the planet. The lake and surrounding mountains are amazing, but ongoing droughts are making getting our sailboat out of the Tahoe Keys Marina questionable every year. As climate change turns California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and surrounding areas into deserts, I trust that keeping states from using the water left in Lake Tahoe for drinking and critical farming, is likely to be difficult. Hopefully, this will not be until around 2030, when we are likely to be heading back to Petoskey, MI, to prepare for falling off "Hubbert's Cliff." We have only been able to get our boat out of the marina the last two years, because they dredged the sand in the channel heading into the marina. We are now about 3 inches from hitting bottom again, so we need ongoing good snow fall each winter to be able to get our sailboat out of the marina. I expect that this will not occur, due to climate change. The whole summer has been sunny and hot, with little to no precipitation. So I expect that we will have to take the sailboat to the San Francisco Bay in the next few years, as getting the sailboat out to Lake Tahoe for sailing is not likely to be possible. The big problem will be water for survival. The reservoirs are very low again, after a "normal snow fall" last winter (2015-2016), and record breaking dry years, since 2010-2011, the last big snow winter. Even the aquifers are reaching record lows. As I expect these trends to continue to get worse, it should be within the next decade that they are likely to have to tap Lake Tahoe water for survival. One article I was sent from Las Vegas last summer (2015), stated that the two Governors from California and Nevada, already agreed in principal to use Lake Tahoe's water for state water needs, which currently is prohibited, prior to our "normal snow fall" last winter (2015-2016). To get this chart, type in "Lake Tahoe Water Level USLakes." Be sure to click on 2011, it will drop off the chart options next year, as they only provide five years of data. Last September we were hitting bottom, when the lake level dropped to 6,222.24, it is 6,222.49 today (10/12/16), so I trust that we have .2 of a foot before we hit bottom again. By 2030, I trust that you will have to hike out on the large sand bar at South Lake Tahoe and other beaches, or down the mountains around the steep drop areas, to get to the water in Lake Tahoe. If this occurs by 2030, we will be heading back to Petoskey, MI to prepare for falling off "Hubbert's Cliff," if this has not already happened! Lake Tahoe: Jewel of the Sierras, click here for full screen, then click little box |
TransitioNOW to the Nordic or Scandinavian Model The only legitimate candidate and party in my opinion, are Jill Stein, Presidential Candidate of the Green Party. Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein are proposing what is termed in political economics to be The Nordic Model. Her platform not only proposes radical transition to renewable energies, but also, transitioning to basically The Nordic Model. This information should help you understand these choices. The Nordic Perspective - Sustainable Management, Compassion and Tolerance, Openness, Trust in Each Other, New Ways of Thinking. Having always considered myself to be a Nordic Spirit, as my key economic professor, Kay Hunt, was a big fan of the Nordic Model, due to its humane principals, equality of opportunity, reasonableness of rewards for success, sustainable management and renewable energy based societies, the Nordic Model has always seemed to be exemplary in a world dominated by Evil Money Monsters and Money Sluts in most all other societies, capitalist (actually fascists racists, as I argue here), and communistic (which I would also argue are mostly fascist racists as well). So in a world of mostly fascist racists societies, dressed up as Capitalist (US) and Communist (China) dominated by the fossil fuel, military industrial complex, Wall Street based Fascists Racists, where the distribution of wealth and income in the United States and China eclipses all other major societies throughout time, the Nordic Model offers the only successful example of humane economic and social interaction, in my opinion, on the planet. China recently eclipsed the United States taking over third spot, behind Brazil and Mexico, as having the highest Gini Coefficient. The gini coefficient measures the equality or inequality of income, a zero is equal distribution of income, while a one is where only one person gets all of the income. Norway has the fairest distribution of income on the Wiki Gini Coefficient Chart. Thomas Piketty, in "Capital in the 21st Century," argues that the extreme inequity in the distribution of wealth in the United States, probably eclipses all other societies throughout all time. Two of my heros' are from Norway. Stein Erickson, the famous skier, who is credited with not only having won many gold medals, he is credited for being the first well known freestyle skier. I was a big fan, and ended up developing and running the first freestyle skiing program at Boyne Highlands, MI, under Stein. In February 2016, I went to Deer Valley, Utah for a tribute to Stein, and one of the Freestyle competitions. I had taught for a season at Deer Valley as well, and was fortunate to meet many of Stein's family for his memorial, and take pictures for them. He was a big hero of mine, and quite the exceptional person. I have a video from one of my other biggest hero's, Jorgen Randers, on his new book "2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years" below. He was one of the four original authors of "The Limits to Growth," study that I have the documentary "The Limits to Growth: A Final Warning" on The 16 Forces and Factors page. He has always represented the Nordic Vision to me, even more than Norway, as he has always been upset that they did not embrace renewable energies as rapidly as Denmark, to insure the decrease in the atmospheric burden of carbon of the country. This is because, he argues, the fact that Norway is one of the top oil countries in the world, if not the top. Although they used their oil resources for the benefit of the people, which no other countries have, they should have transitioned to renewable energies decades ago, and preserved these fossil fuel resources for future generations, limiting the risk of using these fossil fuels, and as a result, increasing the species level risk of climate change, he is found of emphasizing. Norway has been much more aggressively transitioning to solar and wind recently, providing significant incentives to purchase electric vehicles, and other renewable energies. He still is my biggest hero! Love you, Jorgen! His TedX presentation is on The 16 Forces and Factors page. What should become obvious is that he does not incorporate "The 16 Forces and Factors" into his forecast for the next forty years, hence the reason for the differences in his forecast versus mine. The following link is to his extensive modeling assumptions. This website is doing with documentaries, presentations, books and articles, what his computer modeling is seeking to do. Provide insights into the future the world is facing. What should be obvious by now, is that I believe The 16 Forces and Factors insure that "It Is THE END!" Too bad we can't embrace the Nordic Model, by voting in Jill Stein, Presidential Candidate of The Green Party, and implement her "Power to the People Plan." We may not only save the species, we could really bring power to the people, rewards to the people, sustainable living to the people, renewable democratic energy to the people. A great way of life, versus the end of all life on the planet. Can we make this change? I don't believe so, but it would be amazing if we did. The Nordic Perspective - click here for full screen, then click little box "2052: A Global Forecast for The Next Forty Years," click here for full screen, then click the little box According to Wikipedia: The country maintains a combination of market economy and a Nordic welfare model with universal health care and a comprehensive social security system. Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber,seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. The petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).[17] On a per-capita basis, Norway is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East.[18][19] The country has the fourth-highest per capita income in the world on the World Bank and IMF lists.[20] On the CIA's GDP (PPP) per capita list (2015 estimate) which includes territories and some regions, Norway ranks as number eleven.[21]From 2001 to 2006,[22] and then again from 2009 to 2015, Norway had the highest Human Development Index ranking in the world.[13][23][24][25] Norway has topped the Legatum Prosperity Index for seven years in a row as of 2015.[26] Norway ranks also first on the OECD Better Life Index, the Index of Public Integrity, and the Democracy Index.[2] What is the Secret of Scandinavian Success? The overview states: In the midst of European economic crises, the Nordic region has emerged largely unscathed, continuing to top global indexes in health, education, equality and well-being as well as recording impressive economic growth. Sweden, Denmark and Norway have drawn praise from across the political spectrum; from social democrats to free marketers, while Scottish nationalists often cite the Scandinavian countries as role models for an independent Scotland. But why is this region so successful? What is the secret? Or has the Nordic model gone from being idolised to being romanticised and mythologised? This must watch debate filmed at the Battle of Ideas, includes a remarkable expose of Sweden's dark history of forced sterilisation. What is the Secret of Scandinavian Success? - click here for full screen, then click on little box Life in Denmark - click here for full screen, then click on little box According to Wikipedia: Danes enjoy a high standard of living and the country ranks highly in some metrics of national performance, including education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance, prosperity and human development.[12][13][14]The country ranks as having the world's highest social mobility,[15] a high level of income equality,[16] is the country with the lowest perceived level of corruption in the world, has one of the world's highest per capita incomes, and one of the world's highest personal income tax rates.[17] Rick Steves on the Nordic Countries Another one of my hero's is Rick Steves, who I just found out was Norwegian as well. Here is a link to his views on how travel has shaped his views on social activism and progress. The Best of Denmark - Rick Steves - click here for full screen, then click on little box The Best of Scandinavia - Rick Steves - click here for full screen, then click on little box Helsinki, Finland: History, Language and Sights, click here for full screen, then click on little box The Finland Phenomena - click here for full screen, then click on little box. Finland's educational system is ranked as the top in the world. This documentary discusses why. According to Wikipedia: Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialization, remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s. It rapidly developed an advanced economy while building an extensive Nordic-style welfare state, resulting in widespread prosperity and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.[13] However, since 2012 Finnish GDP growth has been negative, with a preceding nadir of −8% in 2009.[14] Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development.[15][16][17][18] In 2015, Finland was ranked first in the World Human Capital[19] and the Press Freedom Index, and as the most stable country in the world in the Failed States Index,[20] and second in the Global Gender Gap Report.[21] A large majority of Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,[22] though freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Finnish Constitution. What is Life Really Like in Sweden? - for full screen click here, then click on the little box According to Wikipedia: After the end of the Cold War, Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995, but declined NATO membership, as well as Eurozone membership following a referendum. It is also a member of the United Nations, the Nordic Council,Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD). Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's eighth-highest per capita income and ranks highly in numerous metrics of national performance, including quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, equality, prosperity and human development.[14][15][16][17][18] New Zeland - My Favorite Spot to Weather "Hell on Earth" Although New Zeland is not a Nordic Model country, due to the British influence it has many traits of the Nordic countries, such as free healthcare. Most importantly, it is my favorite choice to survive what I believe is the likely rapid deterioration in economic and environmental conditions by 2025-2050. The east coast of New Zeland has significant methane hydrates, but they appear deep enough to not affect the risk of living in the country, at least based on what I understand at this time. As New Zeland is relatively small, all locations look promising, unlike Australia, as most of Australia is desert, and the risks of wildfires are significant, with ongoing climate change in Australia. Both New Zeland and Australia are nuclear free, not any nuclear reactors or weapons, hence, not the risk of "The Methane Monster Feedback Loop," as the US and Asian coasts face. The south west shores have large beautiful fiords, which appear to me to offer the safest place ultimately to weather the death of most of the species due to the ravages of runaway climate change and over population on Planet Titanic. New Zeland is one of the most southern locations on the planet, and appears to have the most stable economy, versus other southerly locations, like Chile, Argentina, Australia, and South Africa. For those looking for the best place to raise children, and younger people, New Zeland ranks number one in my opinion. As Wiki notes: New Zealand is identified as one of the world's most stable and well-governed nations.[75] As of 2011, the country was ranked fifth in the strength of its democratic institutions[76] and first in government transparency and lack of corruption.[77] New Zealand has a high level of civic participation, with 79% voter turnout during the most recent elections, compared to an OECD average of 72%. Furthermore, 67% of New Zealanders say they trust their political institutions, far higher than the OECD average of 56%.[78] Take a look at the following video of a "Helicopter Flight Over Fiordland National Park, New Zeland," click here for full screen, then click on little box OMG I just have fallen in love with New Zeland as I have done this research. Check the videos below. Not only is it the best place to survive "hell on earth," in my opinion, it is the most amazing place to live period! If it were not for my position as a Wealth Manager, not being capable of transferring to New Zeland, and my wife's position as a teacher, not being capable of transferring her retirement benefits, we would move now. However, for you that are not "income tied" to your careers elsewhere, I highly recommend moving to New Zeland NOW. Top 10 Places to Live in NZ, click here for full screen, then click box Pros and Cons of Living in New Zeland, click for full screen, then box Luxurious New Zeland, click here for full screen, then click little box Amplitude: New Zeland, click here for full screen, then click little box Solitude: New Zeland, click here for full screen, then click little box Awakening: New Zeland, click here for full screen, then click little box |